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quota(8) [centos man page]

QUOTA(8)						      System Manager's Manual							  QUOTA(8)


quota - report and optionally fix quota usage SYNOPSIS
quota [ -C config-file ] [ -d domain ] [ -f ] [ mailbox-prefix... ] DESCRIPTION
Quota generates a report listing quota roots, giving their limits and usage. If the -f option is given, quota first fixes any inconsisten- cies in the quota subsystem, such as mailboxes with the wrong quota root or quota roots with the wrong quota usage reported. If an optional domain is given, the quota listing (and inconsistency fixing) is performed in that domain rather than the default domain. If any optional mailbox-prefix arguments are given, the quota listing (and inconsistency fixing) is limited to quota roots with names that start with one of the given prefixes. Running quota with both the -f option and mailbox-prefix arguments is not recommended. Quota reads its configuration options out of the imapd.conf(5) file unless specified otherwise by -C. OPTIONS
-C config-file Read configuration options from config-file. -d domain List/fix quotas in domain. -f Fix any inconsistencies in the quota subsystem before generating a report. FILES
/etc/imapd.conf CMU
Project Cyrus QUOTA(8)

Check Out this Related Man Page

imapquota(8)						      System Manager's Manual						      imapquota(8)

imapquota - Reports and fixes mail quota usage SYNOPSIS
/usr/bin/imapquota [-f] [mailbox-prefix...] OPTIONS
Fix any inconsistencies in the mail quota subsystem before generating a report. DESCRIPTION
The imapquota command generates a report listing quota roots, giving their limits and usage. If the -f option is given, imapquota first fixes any inconsistencies in the quota subsystem, such as mailboxes with the wrong quota root or quota roots with the wrong quota usage reported. If any optional mailbox-prefix arguments are given, the quota listing (and inconsistency fixing) is limited to quota roots with names that start with one of the given prefixes. Running imapquota with both the -f option and mailbox-prefix arguments is not recommended. The imapquota command reads its configuration options out of the imapd.conf(4) file. FILE
Configuration file for the IMAP server SEE ALSO
Commands: cyradm(1), deliver(8), imapd(8), reconstruct(8) Files: imapd.conf(4) imapquota(8)
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10. Red Hat

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11. Red Hat

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