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quorum_overview(8) [centos man page]

QUORUM_OVERVIEW(8)				    Corosync Cluster Engine Programmer's Manual 				QUORUM_OVERVIEW(8)

quorum_overview - Quorum Library Overview OVERVIEW
The quorum library is delivered with the corosync project. It is the external interface to the quorum service. This service is loaded into all nodes in a corosync cluster and track the quorum status of a node. In order for quorum service to be useful, a quorum provider must be configured. The library provides a mechanism to: * Query the quorum status * Receive notifications of quorum state changes BUGS
No known bugs at the time of writing. The authors are from outerspace. Deal with it. SEE ALSO
corosync-quorumtool(8), corosync.conf(5), votequorum(5), quorum_initialize(3), quorum_finalize(3), quorum_getquorate(3), quorum_track- start(3), quorum_trackstop(3), quorum_fd_get(3), quorum_dispatch(3), quorum_context_set(3), quorum_context_get(3) corosync Man Page 2012-02-09 QUORUM_OVERVIEW(8)

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VOTEQUORUM_OVERVIEW(8)				    Corosync Cluster Engine Programmer's Manual 			    VOTEQUORUM_OVERVIEW(8)

votequorum_overview - Votequorum Library Overview OVERVIEW
The votequuorum library is delivered with the corosync project. It is the external interface to the vote-based quorum service. This service is optionally loaded into all ndes in a corosync cluster to avoid split-brain situations. It does this by having a number of votes assigned to each system in the cluster and ensuring that only when a majority of the votes are present, cluster operations are allowed to proceed. The library provides a mechanism to: * Query the quorum status * Get a list of nodes known to the quorum service * Receive notifications of quorum state changes * Change the number of votes assigned to a node * Change the number of expected votes for a cluster to be quorate * Connect an additional quorum device to allow small clusters to remain quorate during node outages. votequorum reads its configuration from the objdb. The following keys are read when it starts up: * quorum.expected_votes * quorum.votes * quorum.quorumdev_poll * quorum.disallowed * quorum.two_node Most of those values can be changed while corosync is running with the following exceptions: quorum.disallowed cannot be changed, and two_node cannot be set on-the-fly, though it can be cleared. ie you can start with two nodes in the cluster and add a third without reboot- ing all the nodes. BUGS
This software is not yet production, so there may still be some bugs. SEE ALSO
corosync-quorumtool(8), votequorum_initialize(3), votequorum_finalize(3), votequorum_fd_get(3), votequorum_dispatch(3), votequorum_con- text_get(3), votequorum_context_set(3), corosync Man Page 2009-01-26 VOTEQUORUM_OVERVIEW(8)
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