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pktsetup(8) [centos man page]

PKTSETUP(8)						    System Management Commands						       PKTSETUP(8)

pktsetup - set up and tear down packet device associations SYNOPSIS
pktsetup packet_device block_device pktsetup -d packet_device pktsetup -s DESCRIPTION
Pktsetup is used to associate packet devices with CD or DVD block devices, so that the packet device can then be mounted and potentially used as a read/write filesystem. This requires kernel support for the packet device, and the UDF filesystem. See: <> EXIT STATUS
Pktsetup returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure. OPTIONS
-d packet-device Delete the association between the specified packet-device and its block device. -s Show device mappings. EXAMPLE
The following commands provide an example of using the packet device. cdrwtool -d /dev/sr0 -q pktsetup /dev/pktcdvd0 /dev/sr0 mount -t udf /dev/pktcdvd0 /mnt ... umount /dev/pktcdvd0 pktsetup -d /dev/pktcdvd0 FILES
/dev/pktcdvd0,/dev/pktcdvd1,... CD/DVD packet devices (block major=97) AUTHOR
pktsetup is part of the udftools package and is available from SEE ALSO
cdrwtool(1) udftools-1.0.0b2 2002-02-09 PKTSETUP(8)

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MKUDFFS(1)						    System Management Commands							MKUDFFS(1)

mkudffs - create an UDF filesystem SYNOPSIS
mkudffs [ switches ] device [ blocks-count ] DESCRIPTION
mkudffs is used to create a UDF filesystem on a device (usually a disk). device is the special file corresponding to the device (e.g /dev/hdX). blocks-count is the number of blocks on the device. If omitted, mkudffs automagically figures the file system size. OPTIONS
--help Display the usage and list of options. -b,--blocksize= block-size Specify the size of blocks in bytes. Valid block size vales are 1024, 2048 and 4096 bytes per block. If omitted, mkudffs block-size is 2048. -r,--udfrev= udf-revision Specify the udf revision to use. Valid revisions are 0x0201, 0x0200, 0x0150, and 0x0102. If omitted, mkudffs udf-revision is 0x0201. --lvid= logical-volume-ident Specify the logical volume identifier. --vid= volume-ident Specify the volume identifier. --vsid= volume-set-ident Specify the volume set identifier. --fsid= file-set-ident Specify the file set identifier. --strategy= strategy Specify the allocation strategy to use. Valid strategies are 4 and 4096. If omitted, mkudffs strategy is based on the media-type. --spartable= spartable-number Specify the number of sparing tables to write to disc. Valid numbers are 1 - 4. This option implies --media-type=cdrw. --media-type= media-type Specify the media type. Valid media types are: hd hard drive dvd DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) dvdram DVD-RAM (Digital Versatile Disc-Random Access Memory) worm WORM (Write Once Ready Many) mo MO (Magneto Optical) cdrw CD-RW (CD Read-Write) --space= space freedbitmap Freed bitmap freedtable Freed table unallocbitmap Unallocated bitmap unalloctable Unallocated table --ad= ad inicb Allocation Descriptors in ICB short Short Allocation Descriptors long Long Allocation Descriptors --noefe Don't Use Extended File Entries --u8 Use 8-bit unicode for file names --u16 Use 16-bit unicode for file names --utf8 Use UTF-8 for file names EXIT STATUS
mkudffs returns 0 if successful, non-zero if there are problems. AUTHOR
mkudffs is part of the udftools package and is available from udftools-1.0.0b2 2002-02-09 MKUDFFS(1)
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