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pam_warn(8) [centos man page]

PAM_WARN(8)							 Linux-PAM Manual						       PAM_WARN(8)

pam_warn - PAM module which logs all PAM items if called SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION
pam_warn is a PAM module that logs the service, terminal, user, remote user and remote host to syslog(3). The items are not probed for, but instead obtained from the standard PAM items. The module always returns PAM_IGNORE, indicating that it does not want to affect the authentication process. OPTIONS
This module does not recognise any options. MODULE TYPES PROVIDED
The auth, account, password and session module types are provided. RETURN VALUES
PAM_IGNORE This module always returns PAM_IGNORE. EXAMPLES
#%PAM-1.0 # # If we don't have config entries for a service, the # OTHER entries are used. To be secure, warn and deny # access to everything. other auth required other auth required other account required other account required other password required other password required other session required other session required SEE ALSO
pam.conf(5), pam.d(5), pam(8) AUTHOR
pam_warn was written by Andrew G. Morgan <>. Linux-PAM Manual 09/19/2013 PAM_WARN(8)

Check Out this Related Man Page

PAM_DENY(8)							 Linux-PAM Manual						       PAM_DENY(8)

pam_deny - The locking-out PAM module SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION
This module can be used to deny access. It always indicates a failure to the application through the PAM framework. It might be suitable for using for default (the OTHER) entries. OPTIONS
This module does not recognise any options. MODULE TYPES PROVIDED
All module types (account, auth, password and session) are provided. RETURN VALUES
PAM_AUTH_ERR This is returned by the account and auth services. PAM_CRED_ERR This is returned by the setcred function. PAM_AUTHTOK_ERR This is returned by the password service. PAM_SESSION_ERR This is returned by the session service. EXAMPLES
#%PAM-1.0 # # If we don't have config entries for a service, the # OTHER entries are used. To be secure, warn and deny # access to everything. other auth required other auth required other account required other account required other password required other password required other session required other session required SEE ALSO
pam.conf(5), pam.d(5), pam(7) AUTHOR
pam_deny was written by Andrew G. Morgan <> Linux-PAM Manual 06/04/2011 PAM_DENY(8)
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