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ntfslabel(8) [centos man page]

NTFSLABEL(8)						      System Manager's Manual						      NTFSLABEL(8)

ntfslabel - display/change the label on an ntfs file system SYNOPSIS
ntfslabel [options] device [new-label] DESCRIPTION
ntfslabel will display or change the file system label on the ntfs file system located on device. It can also change the serial number of the device. If the optional argument new-label is not present, and no option is present, ntfslabel will simply display the current file system label. If the optional argument new-label is present, then ntfslabel will set the file system label to be new-label. NTFS file system labels can be at most 128 Unicode characters long; if new-label is longer than 128 Unicode characters, ntfslabel will truncate it and print a warning message. It is also possible to set the file system label using the -L option of mkntfs(8) during creation of the file system. OPTIONS
Below is a summary of all the options that ntfslabel accepts. Nearly all options have two equivalent names. The short name is preceded by - and the long name is preceded by --. Any single letter options, that don't take an argument, can be combined into a single command, e.g. -fv is equivalent to -f -v. Long named options can be abbreviated to any unique prefix of their name. -f, --force This will override some sensible defaults, such as not working with a mounted volume. Use this option with caution. -h, --help Show a list of options with a brief description of each one. --new-serial[=ssssssssssssssss], or --new-half-serial[=ssssssss] Set a new serial number to the device, either the argument value, or a random one if no argument is given. The serial number is a 64 bit number, represented as a sixteen-digit hexadecimal number, used to identify the device during the mounting process. As a conse- quence, two devices with the same serial number cannot be mounted at the same time on the same computer. This is not the volume UUID used by Windows to locate files which have been moved to another volume. The option --new-half-serial only changes the upper part of the serial number, keeping the lower part which is used by Windows unchanged. In this case the optional argument is an eight-digit hexadecimal number. -n, --no-action Don't actually write to disk. -q, --quiet Reduce the amount of output to a minimum. -v, --verbose Increase the amount of output that ntfslabel prints. The label and the serial number are displayed. -V, --version Show the version number, copyright and license for ntfslabel. BUGS
There are no known problems with ntfslabel. If you find a bug please send an email describing the problem to the development team: AUTHORS
ntfslabel was written by Matthew J. Fanto, with contributions from Anton Altaparmakov and Richard Russon. It was ported to ntfs-3g by Erik Larsson. AVAILABILITY
ntfslabel is part of the ntfs-3g package and is available from: SEE ALSO
mkntfs(8), ntfsprogs(8) ntfs-3g 2017.3.23 January 2012 NTFSLABEL(8)

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NTFSINFO(8)						      System Manager's Manual						       NTFSINFO(8)

ntfsinfo - dump a file's attributes SYNOPSIS
ntfsinfo [options] device DESCRIPTION
ntfsinfo will dump the attributes of inode inode-number or the file path-filename and/or information about the mft ( -m option). Run ntfs- info without arguments for a full list of options. OPTIONS
Below is a summary of all the options that ntfsinfo accepts. Nearly all options have two equivalent names. The short name is preceded by - and the long name is preceded by --. Any single letter options, that don't take an argument, can be combined into a single command, e.g. -fv is equivalent to -f -v. Long named options can be abbreviated to any unique prefix of their name. -F, --file FILE Show information about this file -f, --force This will override some sensible defaults, such as not overwriting an existing file. Use this option with caution. -h, --help Show a list of options with a brief description of each one. -i, --inode NUM Show information about this inode. -m, --mft Show information about the volume. -q, --quiet Produce less output. -t, --notime Do not display timestamps in the output. -v, --verbose Increase the amount of output that ntfsinfo prints. -V, --version Show the version number, copyright and license. BUGS
There are no known problems with ntfsinfo. If you find a bug please send an email describing the problem to the development team: AUTHORS
ntfsinfo was written by Matthew J. Fanto, Anton Altaparmakov, Richard Russon, Szabolcs Szakacsits, Yuval Fledel, Yura Pakhuchiy and Cris- tian Klein. It was ported to ntfs-3g by Erik Larsson and Jean-Pierre Andre. AVAILABILITY
ntfsinfo is part of the ntfs-3g package and is available from: SEE ALSO
ntfsprogs(8) ntfs-3g 2012.1.15AR.5 April 2006 NTFSINFO(8)
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