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ntfscat(8) [centos man page]

NTFSCAT(8)						      System Manager's Manual							NTFSCAT(8)

ntfscat - print NTFS files and streams on the standard output SYNOPSIS
[options] device [file] DESCRIPTION
ntfscat will read a file or stream from an NTFS volume and display the contents on the standard output. The case of the filename passed to ntfscat is ignored. OPTIONS
Below is a summary of all the options that ntfscat accepts. Nearly all options have two equivalent names. The short name is preceded by - and the long name is preceded by --. Any single letter options, that don't take an argument, can be combined into a single command, e.g. -fv is equivalent to -f -v. Long named options can be abbreviated to any unique prefix of their name. -a, --attribute TYPE Display the contents of a particular attribute type. By default, the unnamed $DATA attribute will be shown. The attribute can be specified by a number in decimal or hexadecimal, or by name. +-------------------------------------------+ |Hex Decimal Name | |0x10 16 "$STANDARD_INFORMATION" | |0x20 32 "$ATTRIBUTE_LIST" | |0x30 48 "$FILE_NAME" | |0x40 64 "$OBJECT_ID" | |0x50 80 "$SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR" | |0x60 96 "$VOLUME_NAME" | |0x70 112 "$VOLUME_INFORMATION" | |0x80 128 "$DATA" | |0x90 144 "$INDEX_ROOT" | |0xA0 160 "$INDEX_ALLOCATION" | |0xB0 176 "$BITMAP" | |0xC0 192 "$REPARSE_POINT" | |0xD0 208 "$EA_INFORMATION" | |0xE0 224 "$EA" | |0xF0 240 "$PROPERTY_SET" | |0x100 256 "$LOGGED_UTILITY_STREAM" | +-------------------------------------------+ Notes The attribute names may be given without the leading $ symbol. If you use the $ symbol, you must quote the name to prevent the shell interpreting the name. -n, --attribute-name NAME Display this named attribute, stream. -i, --inode NUM Specify a file by its inode number instead of its name. -f, --force This will override some sensible defaults, such as not using a mounted volume. Use this option with caution. -h, --help Show a list of options with a brief description of each one. -q, --quiet Suppress some debug/warning/error messages. -V, --version Show the version number, copyright and license ntfscat. -v, --verbose Display more debug/warning/error messages. EXAMPLES
Display the contents of a file in the root of an NTFS volume. ntfscat /dev/hda1 boot.ini Display the contents of a file in a subdirectory of an NTFS volume. ntfscat /dev/hda1 /winnt/system32/drivers/etc/hosts Display the contents of the $INDEX_ROOT attribute of the root directory (inode 5). ntfscat /dev/hda1 -a INDEX_ROOT -i 5 | hexdump -C BUGS
There are no known problems with ntfscat. If you find a bug please send an email describing the problem to the development team: AUTHORS
ntfscat was written by Richard Russon, Anton Altaparmakov and Szabolcs Szakacsits. It was ported to ntfs-3g by Erik Larsson. AVAILABILITY
ntfscat is part of the ntfs-3g package and is available from: SEE ALSO
Read libntfs(8) for details how to access encrypted files. libntfs(8), ntfsls(8), ntfsprogs(8) ntfs-3g 2017.3.23 September 2007 NTFSCAT(8)

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NTFSCAT(8)						      System Manager's Manual							NTFSCAT(8)

ntfscat - print NTFS files and streams on the standard output SYNOPSIS
[options] device [file] DESCRIPTION
ntfscat will read a file or stream from an NTFS volume and display the contents on the standard output. The case of the filename passed to ntfscat is ignored. OPTIONS
Below is a summary of all the options that ntfscat accepts. Nearly all options have two equivalent names. The short name is preceded by - and the long name is preceded by --. Any single letter options, that don't take an argument, can be combined into a single command, e.g. -fv is equivalent to -f -v. Long named options can be abbreviated to any unique prefix of their name. -a, --attribute TYPE Display the contents of a particular attribute type. By default, the unnamed $DATA attribute will be shown. The attribute can be specified by a number in decimal or hexadecimal, or by name. +-------------------------------------------+ |Hex Decimal Name | |0x10 16 "$STANDARD_INFORMATION" | |0x20 32 "$ATTRIBUTE_LIST" | |0x30 48 "$FILE_NAME" | |0x40 64 "$OBJECT_ID" | |0x50 80 "$SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR" | |0x60 96 "$VOLUME_NAME" | |0x70 112 "$VOLUME_INFORMATION" | |0x80 128 "$DATA" | |0x90 144 "$INDEX_ROOT" | |0xA0 160 "$INDEX_ALLOCATION" | |0xB0 176 "$BITMAP" | |0xC0 192 "$REPARSE_POINT" | |0xD0 208 "$EA_INFORMATION" | |0xE0 224 "$EA" | |0xF0 240 "$PROPERTY_SET" | |0x100 256 "$LOGGED_UTILITY_STREAM" | +-------------------------------------------+ Notes The attribute names may be given without the leading $ symbol. If you use the $ symbol, you must quote the name to prevent the shell interpreting the name. -n, --attribute-name NAME Display this named attribute, stream. -i, --inode NUM Specify a file by its inode number instead of its name. -f, --force This will override some sensible defaults, such as not using a mounted volume. Use this option with caution. -h, --help Show a list of options with a brief description of each one. -q, --quiet Suppress some debug/warning/error messages. -V, --version Show the version number, copyright and license ntfscat. -v, --verbose Display more debug/warning/error messages. EXAMPLES
Display the contents of a file in the root of an NTFS volume. ntfscat /dev/hda1 boot.ini Display the contents of a file in a subdirectory of an NTFS volume. ntfscat /dev/hda1 /winnt/system32/drivers/etc/hosts Display the contents of the $INDEX_ROOT attribute of the root directory (inode 5). ntfscat /dev/hda1 -a INDEX_ROOT -i 5 | hexdump -C BUGS
There are no known problems with ntfscat. If you find a bug please send an email describing the problem to the development team: AUTHORS
ntfscat was written by Richard Russon, Anton Altaparmakov and Szabolcs Szakacsits. AVAILABILITY
ntfscat is part of the ntfsprogs package and is available from: The manual pages are available online at: SEE ALSO
ntfsls(8), ntfsprogs(8) ntfsprogs 1.13.1 November 2005 NTFSCAT(8)
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