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ntdbdump(8) [centos man page]

NTDBDUMP(8)						    System Administration tools 					       NTDBDUMP(8)

ntdbdump - tool for printing the contents of an NTDB file SYNOPSIS
ntdbdump [-k keyname] [-e] [-h] {filename} DESCRIPTION
This tool is part of the samba(1) suite. ntdbdump is a very simple utility that 'dumps' the contents of a NTDB (New Trivial DataBase) file to standard output in a human-readable format. This tool can be used when debugging problems with NTDB files. It is intended for those who are somewhat familiar with Samba internals. OPTIONS
-h Get help information. -k keyname The -k option restricts dumping to a single key, if found. SEE ALSO
tdbdump(8), ntdbtool(8) VERSION
This man page is correct for version 4 of the Samba suite. AUTHOR
The original Samba software and related utilities were created by Andrew Tridgell. Samba is now developed by the Samba Team as an Open Source project similar to the way the Linux kernel is developed. The ntdbdump man page was written by Rusty Russell, base on the tdbdump man page by Jelmer Vernooij. Samba 4.1 06/17/2014 NTDBDUMP(8)

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SMBTA-UTIL(8)						    System Administration tools 					     SMBTA-UTIL(8)

smbta-util - control encryption in VFS smb_traffic_analyzer SYNOPSIS
This tool is part of the samba(1) suite. smbta-util is a tool to ease the configuration of the vfs_smb_traffic_analyzer module regarding data encryption. The user can generate a key, install a key (activating encryption), or uninstall a key (deactivating encryption). Any operation that installs a key will create a File containing the key. This file can be used by smbta-tool on other machines to install the same key from the file. COMMANDS
-h Show a short help text on the command line. -f KEYFILE Open an existing keyfile, read the key from the file, and install the key, activating encryption. -g KEYFILE Generate a new random key, install the key, activate encryption, and store the key into the file KEYFILE. -u Uninstall the key, deactivating encryption. -s Check if a key is installed. -c KEYFILE Create a KEYFILE from an installed key. VERSION
This man page is correct for version 3.4 of the Samba suite. AUTHOR
The original version of smbta-util was created by Holger Hetterich. The original Samba software and related utilities were created by Andrew Tridgell. Samba is now developed by the Samba Team as an Open Source project similar to the way the Linux kernel is developed. Samba 4.0 06/17/2014 SMBTA-UTIL(8)
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