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nstat(8) [centos man page]

RTACCT(8)						      System Manager's Manual							 RTACCT(8)

nstat, rtacct - network statistics tools. SYNOPSIS
Usage: nstat [ -h?vVzrnasd:t: ] [ PATTERN [ PATTERN ] ] Usage: rtacct [ -h?vVzrnasd:t: ] [ ListOfRealms ] DESCRIPTION
nstat and rtacct are simple tools to monitor kernel snmp counters and network interface statistics. OPTIONS
-h -? Print help -v -V Print version -z Dump zero counters too. By default they are not shown. -r Reset history. -n Do not display anything, only update history. -a Dump absolute values of counters. The default is to calculate increments since the previous use. -s Do not update history, so that the next time you will see counters including values accumulated to the moment of this measurement too. -d <INTERVAL> Run in daemon mode collecting statistics. <INTERVAL> is interval between measurements in seconds. -t <INTERVAL> Time interval to average rates. Default value is 60 seconds. SEE ALSO
lnstat(8) 27 June, 2007 RTACCT(8)

Check Out this Related Man Page

LNSTAT(8)						      System Manager's Manual							 LNSTAT(8)

lnstat - unified linux network statistics SYNOPSIS
lnstat [options] DESCRIPTION
This manual page documents briefly the lnstat command. lnstat is a generalized and more feature-complete replacement for the old rtstat program. In addition to routing cache statistics, it sup- ports any kind of statistics the linux kernel exports via a file in /proc/net/stat/. OPTIONS
These programs follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). lnstat supports the following options. -h, --help Show summary of options. -V, --version Show version of program. -c, --count <count> Print <count> number of intervals. -d, --dump Dump list of available files/keys. -f, --file <file> Statistics file to use. -i, --interval <intv> Set interval to 'intv' seconds. -k, --keys k,k,k,... Display only keys specified. -s, --subject [0-2] Specify display of subject/header. '0' means no header at all, '1' prints a header only at start of the program and '2' prints a header every 20 lines. -w, --width n,n,n,... Width for each field. USAGE EXAMPLES
# lnstat -d Get a list of supported statistics files. # lnstat -k arp_cache:entries,rt_cache:in_hit,arp_cache:destroys Select the specified files and keys. # lnstat -i 10 Use an interval of 10 seconds. # lnstat -f ip_conntrack Use only the specified file for statistics. # lnstat -s 0 Do not print a header at all. # lnstat -s 20 Print a header at start and every 20 lines. # lnstat -c -1 -i 1 -f rt_cache -k entries,in_hit,in_slow_tot Display statistics for keys entries, in_hit and in_slow_tot of field rt_cache every second. SEE ALSO
ip(8), and /usr/share/doc/iproute-doc/README.lnstat (package iproute-doc on Debian) AUTHOR
lnstat was written by Harald Welte <>. This manual page was written by Michael Prokop <> for the Debian project (but may be used by others). LNSTAT(8)
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