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nsd-notify(8) [centos man page]

nsd-notify(8)							    nsd 3.2.12							     nsd-notify(8)

nsd-notify - program to send NOTIFY's to remote nameservers. SYNOPSIS
nsd-notify [-4] [-6] [-h] [-a address[@port]] [-p port] [-y key:secret[:algorithm]] -z zone servers DESCRIPTION
Nsd-notify is simple program to send NOTIFY's to remote nameservers. NSD is a complete implementation of an authoritative DNS nameserver. OPTIONS
-4 Only send to IPv4 addresses. -6 Only send to IPv6 addresses. -h Print help information and exit. -a address[@port] Specify the source address (and port) to send from. -p port Specify the port to send to. -y key:secret[:algorithm] Specify a TSIG key and base64 encoded secret to sign the notification with. If the TSIG algorithm is not defined, MD5 is used. z zone Specify the zone to notify about. servers List of nameservers to send to. EXAMPLES
To run this program the standard way type: # nsd-notify -z SEE ALSO
nsd(8), nsdc(8), nsd.conf(5), nsd-checkconf(8), nsd-patch(8), nsd-xfer(8), zonec(8) AUTHORS
NSD was written by NLnet Labs and RIPE NCC joint team. Please see CREDITS file in the distribution for further details. NLnet Labs jul 19, 2012 nsd-notify(8)

Check Out this Related Man Page

nsd-xfer(8)                                                         nsd 3.2.12                                                         nsd-xfer(8)

nsd-xfer - AXFR client to transfer zones from a name server SYNOPSIS
nsd-xfer [-4] [-6] [-a address[@port]] [-p port] [-s serial] [-T tsiginfo] [-v] -z zone -f file servers DESCRIPTION
Nsd-xfer is program to transfer zones from a name server using AXFR. NSD is a complete implementation of an authoritative DNS nameserver. OPTIONS
-4 Only send to IPv4 addresses. -6 Only send to IPv6 addresses. -a address[@port] Specify the source address (and port) to send from. -f file The file to store the zone in. -p port Specify the port to send to. -s serial Specify the serial of the current zone. The zone is only transferred if the master server has a zone with a greater serial number. -T tsiginfo Use TSIG to verify the zone transfer. The tsiginfo file must contain the TSIG key information. The file is removed upon successful reading of the key. The format of the tsiginfo file is described in the doc/README file (section 3.3). -v Be more verbose. -z zone Specify the zone to receive. servers List of nameservers to try. EXAMPLES
To run this program the standard way type: # nsd-xfer -z -f SEE ALSO
nsd(8), nsdc(8), nsd.conf(5), nsd-checkconf(8), nsd-notify(8), nsd-patch(8), zonec(8) AUTHORS
NSD was written by NLnet Labs and RIPE NCC joint team. Please see CREDITS file in the distribution for further details. NLnet Labs jul 19, 2012 nsd-xfer(8)
Man Page

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