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new-kernel-pkg(8) [centos man page]

NEW-KERNEL-PKG(8)					      System Manager's Manual						 NEW-KERNEL-PKG(8)

new-kernel-pkg - tool to script kernel installation SYNOPSIS
new-kernel-pkg [-v] [--mkinitrd] [--rminitrd] [--dracut] [--initrdfile=initrd-image [--depmod] [--rmmoddep] [--kernel-args=args] [--remove-args=args] [--banner=banner] [--multiboot=multiboot] [--mbargs=mbargs] [--make-default] [--add-dracut-args] [--add-plymouth-initrd] [--host-only] <--install | --remove | --update | --rpmposttrans> <kernel-version> DESCRIPTION
new-kernel-pkg is a tool used in packaging to automate the installation of a new kernel, including the creation of an initial ram filesys- tem image, updating of bootloader configuration, and other associated tasks. OPTIONS
-v Be verbose. --mkinitrd Create a new initial ram filesystem image. --rminitrd Remove an initial ram filesystem image. --dracut When creating a new initial ram filesystem image, use dracut(8) rather than mkinitrd(8). Used in conjunction with --mkinitrd . --initrdfile=initrd-image Use the specified file as the initial ram filesystem image. --depmod Create modules.dep and related files. --rmmoddep Remove modules.dep and related files. --kernel-args=args Use args as the boot command line for this kernel. --remove-args=args Remove specified kernel arguments for this kernel. --banner=banner Display banner as the banner text in the bootloader. --multiboot=multiboot-image Use multiboot-image as a multiboot image. --mbargs=mbargs Use mbargs as arguments to the multiboot image. --make-default Make this kernel the default boot option. --add-dracut-args Automatically generate dracut options and add them to the kernel command line. --add-plymouth-initrd Automatically add plymouth to the initial ram filesystem image. --host-only Make an initial ram filesystem image that is specific to the running system. --install kernel-version Install a new kernel. --remove kernel-version Remove an installed kernel. --update kernel-version Update the specified kernel. --rpmposttrans kernel-version Run the rpmposttrans for the specified kernel. SEE ALSO
grubby(8) installkernel(8) AUTHORS
Erik Troan Jeremy Katz Peter Jones Wed Apr 14 2010 NEW-KERNEL-PKG(8)

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PCINITRD(8)						      System Manager's Manual						       PCINITRD(8)

pcinitrd - create a PCMCIA initrd ram disk image SYNOPSIS
pcinitrd [-v] [-a] [--all] [-d alternate-root] [--dir=alternate-root] [-r kernel-release] [--release=kernel-release] [-s image-size] [--size=image-size] [-u] [--update] initrd-image [modules ...] DESCRIPTION
The pcinitrd script creates an initrd ram disk image for booting with the root filesystem on a PCMCIA device. If the target is a block special device (i.e., /dev/fd0), then the initrd image is created on that device. If the target does not already exist or if it is an ordinary file, then pcinitrd will create the image file using the ``loopback'' device. Modules are specified with paths relative to /lib/modules/[kernel-release]. The core PCMCIA modules (pcmcia/pcmcia_core and pcmcia/ds) will automatically be installed in the target image. All other device-specific modules need to be listed on the command line, along with the appropriate socket driver (pcmcia/i82365.o or pcmcia/tcic.o). Alternatively, if -a is specified, then all available PCMCIA socket drivers and block device drivers will be included in the image. Additional files to be copied to the initrd image may also be listed on the command line. Executable programs will be installed in /bin, shared libraries will be installed in /lib, device files will be installed in /dev, and any other files will be placed in /etc. The startup script in the resulting image, linuxrc, may need to be customized for a particular system. It contains the same variable defi- nitions as the normal PCMCIA startup scripts (i.e., PCIC=, PCIC_OPTS=, and CORE_OPTS= variables). The /etc/config.opts file may also need to be edited. Any changes to linuxrc or config.opts will be preserved if pcinitrd is executed in ``update'' mode. Another feature of the generated linuxrc is that if the DEBUG variable is set to a non-blank string at the boot prompt, then cardmgr will echo all its status messages to the console, and after linuxrc executes, it will fire up a shell on the console. This can be helpful for debugging initrd problems. However, few commands are available in the normal initrd environment. OPTIONS
-v Verbose mode. Identify files as they are copied. -a, --all Install all socket drivers and block-style PCMCIA device drivers, including memory card, SCSI card, and fixed-disk drivers. This is mainly intended for use by package maintainers. -d alternate-root, --dir=alternate-root Specifies an alternate directory tree to search for all the files used to put together the initrd image. This may be helpful for running pcinitrd after booting from an installation or rescue diskette. -r kernel-release, --release=kernel-release Specifies the kernel release number (i.e., 2.0.28) to use when looking for modules in /lib/modules. The default is the release of the running kernel. -s image-size, --size=image-size Specifies the filesystem size to create on the target file or device, in 1k blocks. The default is 2400. -u, --update Update mode: updates cardmgr and all the kernel modules in an existing initrd image, but does not modify other files. AUTHOR
David Hinds - SEE ALSO
pcmcia(5), cardmgr(8), lilo(8). pcmcia-cs $Date PCINITRD(8)
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