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mission-control-5(8) [centos man page]

MISSION-CONTROL-5(8)						  D-Bus services					      MISSION-CONTROL-5(8)

mission-control-5 - Telepathy account manager/chanel dispatcher SYNOPSIS
/usr/libexec/mission-control-5 DESCRIPTION
Mission Control 5 implements the AccountManager and ChannelDispatcher services described in the Telepathy D-Bus specification, allowing clients like empathy(1) to store account details, connect to accounts, request communication channels, and have channels dispatched to them. It is a D-Bus service which runs on the session bus, and should usually be started automatically by D-Bus activation. However, it might be useful to start it manually for debugging. OPTIONS
There are no command-line options. ENVIRONMENT
MC_DEBUG=all or MC_DEBUG=category[,category...] May be set to "all" for full debug output from Mission Control and telepathy-glib, or various undocumented category names (which may change from release to release) to filter the output. See Mission Control and telepathy-glib source code for the available cate- gories. MC_DEBUG=level Set a numeric debug level for Mission Control itself (but not telepathy-glib). Level 0 logs nothing, level 1 logs most messages, and level 2 logs all messages. MC_TP_DEBUG=type May be set to "all" for full debug output from telepathy-glib, or various undocumented options (which may change from telepathy-glib release to release) to filter the output. See telepathy-glib source code for the available options. SEE ALSO Telepathy July 2009 MISSION-CONTROL-5(8)

Check Out this Related Man Page

TELEPATHY-RAKIA(8)						  D-Bus services						TELEPATHY-RAKIA(8)

telepathy-rakia - Telepathy connection manager for SIP SYNOPSIS
/usr/lib/telepathy/telepathy-rakia DESCRIPTION
telepathy-rakia implements the Telepathy D-Bus specification for the Session Initiation Protocol, allowing Telepathy clients like empa- thy(1) to connect to Voice over IP providers that implement SIP. It is a D-Bus service which runs on the session bus, and should usually be started automatically by D-Bus activation. However, it might be useful to start it manually for debugging. OPTIONS
There are no command-line options. ENVIRONMENT
RAKIA_DEBUG=type May be set to "all" for full debug output, or various undocumented options (which may change from release to release) to filter the output. RAKIA_LOGFILE=filename May be set to the name of a file to overwrite with log messages. The filename may be prefixed with + to append messages to an exist- ing file instead of overwriting it. RAKIA_PERSIST May be set to any value to avoid telepathy-rakia's usual automatic exit when there have been no connections for a few seconds. TPORT_LOG May be set to any value to print all parsed SIP messages at the transport layer (this functionality is provided by the underlying Sofia-SIP library, which also offers various more specialized debugging options). SEE ALSO, empathy(1) Telepathy February 2010 TELEPATHY-RAKIA(8)
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