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makedeltarpm(8) [centos man page]

MAKEDELTARPM(8) 					      System Manager's Manual						   MAKEDELTARPM(8)

makedeltarpm - create a deltarpm from two rpms SYNOPSIS
makedeltarpm [-v] [-V version] [-z compression] [-m mbytes] [-s seqfile] [-r] [-u] oldrpm newrpm deltarpm makedeltarpm [-v] [-V version] [-z compression] [-s seqfile] [-u] -p oldrpmprint oldpatchrpm oldrpm newrpm deltarpm DESCRIPTION
makedeltarpm creates a deltarpm from two rpms. The deltarpm can later be used to recreate the new rpm from either filesystem data or the old rpm. Use the -v option to make makedeltarpm more verbose about its work (use it twice to make it even more verbose). If you want to create a smaller and faster to combine "rpm-only" deltarpm which does not work with filesystem data, specify the -r option. makedeltarpm normally produces a V3 format deltarpm, use the -V option to specify a different version if desired. The -z option can be used to specify a different compression method, the default is to use the same compression method as used in the new rpm. The -s option makes makedeltarpm write out the sequence id to the specified file seqfile. If you also use patch rpms you should use the -p option to specify the rpm-print of oldrpm and the created patch rpm. This option tells makedeltarpm to exclude the files that were not included in the patch rpm but are not byteswise identical to the ones in oldrpm. makedeltarpm can also create an "identity" deltarpm by adding the -u switch. In this case only one rpm has to be specified. An identity deltarpm can be useful to just replace the signature header of a rpm or to reconstruct a rpm from the filesystem. MEMORY CONSIDERATIONS
makedeltarpm normally needs about three to four times the size of the rpm's uncompressed payload. You can use the -m option to enable a sliding block algorithm that needs mbytes megabytes of memory. This trades memory usage with the size of the created deltarpm. Furthermore, the uncompressed deltarpm payload is currently also stored in memory when this option is used, but it tends to be small in most cases. SEE ALSO
applydeltarpm(8) combinedeltarpm(8) AUTHOR
Michael Schroeder <> Jul 2010 MAKEDELTARPM(8)

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scap-as-rpm(8)						  System Administration Utilities					    scap-as-rpm(8)

scap-as-rpm - manual page for scap-as-rpm DESCRIPTION
usage: scap-as-rpm [-h] [--pkg-name PKG_NAME] [--pkg-version PKG_VERSION] [--pkg-release PKG_RELEASE] [--pkg-summary PKG_SUMMARY] [--pkg-license PKG_LICENSE] [--pkg-scap-location PKG_SCAP_LOCATION] [--rpm-destination RPM_DESTINATION] [--srpm-destination SRPM_DESTINATION] FILE [FILE ...] Takes given SCAP input(s) and makes an RPM package that contains them. The result RPM can be installed using # yum install ./pack- age-name-1-1.rpm which will put the contents into /usr/share/xml/scap. No dependency on openscap or scapworkbench is enforced in the output package so you can use any SCAP-capable scanner to evaluate the content. positional arguments: FILE List of files that should be put into the result package. These should be SCAP XML files but such requirement is not enforced. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --pkg-name PKG_NAME Name of the RPM package, if none is provided the basename of the first SCAP input is used. Ex.: xyzsecurity-guide --pkg-version PKG_VERSION --pkg-release PKG_RELEASE --pkg-summary PKG_SUMMARY Optional short description of the package. --pkg-license PKG_LICENSE Short name of the license that you want to publish the package under. Ex.: GPLv2+, BSD, ... --pkg-scap-location PKG_SCAP_LOCATION Folder where SCAP files are supposed to be installed. Each package will have its own folder inside this folder. RPM variables can be used and will be expanded as usual. It is recommended to keep the default settings. --rpm-destination RPM_DESTINATION The folder (absolute or relative to CWD) where the result RPM shall be saved. --srpm-destination SRPM_DESTINATION The folder (absolute or relative to CWD) where the result SRPM shall be saved. scap-as-rpm November 2013 scap-as-rpm(8)
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