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lcp_writepol(8) [centos man page]

LCP_WRITEPOL(8) 						   User Manuals 						   LCP_WRITEPOL(8)

lcp_writepol - write LCP policy into a TPM NV index SYNOPSIS
lcp_writepol -i index-value [-f policy-file | -e] [-p passwd] [-h] DESCRIPTION
lcp_writepol is used to write LCP policy into a (previously-defined) TPM NV index. It also supports writing arbitrary data into a specified index. OPTIONS
-i index-value Designate the index for writing. Index can be UINT32 or string. 3 strings are supported for the reserved LCP indices. Strings and default index values for each string are: default 0x50000001(INDEX_LCP_DEF) owner 0x40000001(INDEX_LCP_OWN) aux 0x50000002(INDEX_LCP_AUX) -f policy-file File name where the policy data is stored. -e Write 0 length data to the index. This is useful for special indices, such as those permission is WRITEDFINE. -p password The TPM owner password -h Print out the help message EXAMPLES
lcp_writepol -i default -f policy-file lcp_writepol -i 0x00011101 -e lcp_writepol -i 0x00011101 -f policy-file -p 123456 SEE ALSO
lcp_readpol(8), lcp_crtpol(8). tboot 2011-12-31 LCP_WRITEPOL(8)

Check Out this Related Man Page

LCP_MLEHASH(8)							   User Manuals 						    LCP_MLEHASH(8)

lcp_mlehash - generate a SHA-1 hash of a TXT MLE binary file suitable for use in a TXT launch control policy SYNOPSIS
lcp_mlehash [-v] [-c cmdline] [-h] mle-file DESCRIPTION
lcp_mlehash is used to generate a SHA-1 hash of the portion of an executable file that contains the Intel(R) TXT measured launched environ- ment (MLE). In the MLE binary file, the portion of the file to be used as the MLE is specified in the MLE header structure. If verbose mode is not used, the output is suitable for use as the mle-file to the lcp_crtpol and lcp_crtpolelt commands. OPTIONS
mle-file File name of the MLE binary. If it is a gzip file then it will be un-ziped before hashing. -v Verbose mode, display progress indications. -c cmdline Specify quote-delimited command line. It is important to specify the command line that is used when launching the MLE or the hash will not match what is calculated by SINIT. -h Print out the help message. EXAMPLES
lcp_mlehash -c "logging=memory,serial,vga" /boot/tboot.gz > mle-hash SEE ALSO
lcp_readpol(8), lcp_writepol(8), lcp_crtpol(8), lcp_crtpolelt(8). tboot 2011-12-31 LCP_MLEHASH(8)
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