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isnsd(8) [centos man page]

ISNSD(8)						      System Manager's Manual							  ISNSD(8)

isnsd - iSNS server daemon SYNOPSIS
isnsd [-f] [-4] [-6] [-c filename] [-d debug-facility] [--dump-db] [--init] DESCRIPTION
Isnsd implements the iSNS protocol as defined in RFC 4171. iSNS is a discovery protocol for iSCSI and iFCP. OPTIONS
By default, isnsd will take most of its settings from the configuration file /etc/isns/isnsd.conf, with the exception of the following options: --config filename, -c filename This option overrides the default configuration file. --foreground,-f By default, isnsd will put itself into the background. By specifying this option, you can tell it to run in the foreground. Any error messages or debug output will be printed to the console rather than being sent to syslog. -4 tells isnsd to create an IPv4 socket only. Normally, it defaults to IPv6 (which will accept both IPv4 and IPv6 connections). -6 tells isnsd explicitly to create an IPv6 socket only. Since it defaults to IPv6 anyway, this is really a no-op. --debug facility, -d facility enables debugging. Valid facilities are +--------+-----------------------------------------------------+ |socket | network send/receive | |auth | authentication and security related information | |message | iSNS protocol layer | |state | database state | |scn | SCN (state change notification) messages | |esi | ESI (entity status inquiry) messages | |all | all of the above | +--------+-----------------------------------------------------+ --dump-db This is a helper function that will read the database from the file system, and display it in human readable form. When using this option, isnsd will not open any sockets, and terminate immediately after display the database. This option is intended to be used by the administrator when suspecting that the database contains bad/inconsistent information. --init This option will create the server's authentication key, and the required DSA parameters. The private key is stored in the file specified by the AuthKey option (usually /etc/isns/auth_key). The public portion of the key is written to same directory, with the suffix .pub appended to the key file name. SEE ALSO
RFC 4171, isnsadm(8), isnsdd(8), isns_config(5). AUTHORS
Olaf Kirch <> 11 May 2007 ISNSD(8)

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isns(1M)						  System Administration Commands						  isns(1M)

isns - Internet Storage Name Service SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/isns DESCRIPTION
The Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) provides consolidated discovery services for Internet SCSI (iSCSI) and Internet Fibre Channel Pro- tocol (iFCP) devices in an IP network. iSNS uses a client/server mechanism: servers store configuration information for clients, and pro- vide that information upon a client's request. IETF RFC 4171 describes the protocols between the server and client. This man page provides a summary of the Solaris iSNS server implementation. The current implementation does not support iFCP devices. Solaris iSNS server is implemented as the daemon isns, which binds to the well -known port 3205 to service client requests. The daemon is started by the service management facility (smf(5)), using the fault management resource identifier (FMRI): svc:/network/isns_server Use svcadm(1M) to enable isns. Enabling the service means that it starts and runs automatically whenever the operating system is booted. The state of service can be displayed with the svcs(1) command. The service properties listed below can be managed using svccfg(1M). The default value is assigned per RFC 4171 and implementation choice. data_store_location Configuration data store location. The default location is /etc/isns/isnsdata.xml. ESI_retry_threshold_count Entity Status Inquiry retry threshold counter. The default count is 3. Management_SCNs_Enabled Boolean that determines whether Management State Change Notification is enabled. The default is yes. Authorized_Control_Nodes Control node names. After changing a property value, you must use svcadm(1M) refresh to enable isns to recognize the new value. If you change the data_store_location property, you must enter a svcadm restart command for the change to take effect. RFC 4171 defines the default discovery domain, the default domain set, and the "Default DD/DDS" setting with the intent of managing clients that have not been assigned to any user-defined discovery domain. The server adopts the following behaviors with respect to the default discovery domain and domain set: o An unassigned client is added to the default discovery domain. A newly registered client or a client that was removed from its last discovery domain membership is considered to be an unassigned client. o When a client gets assigned to a user-defined discovery domain, the server will remove the client from the default discovery domain. o The default discovery domain set is allowed to be administratively activated or deactivated in order to let the administrator control discovery among clients in the default discovery domain. o It is not allowed to administratively add a client to the default discovery domain, nor to administratively add a user-defined discovery domain to the default discovery domain set. o The default state of the Default discovery domain set is inactive. The isns server supports certain rbac(5) authorizations that allow you to administer isns activity. These authorizations include the fol- lowing auth_attr(4) privileges: solaris.isnsmgr.write Required to create a discovery domain or domain set, to enable/disable a discovery domain set and to change grouping of iSNS clients in a discovery domain or grouping of discovery domains in a discovery domain set. solaris.smf.manage.isns Required to manage the isns server through the smf(5). solaris.smf.value.isns Required to change the SMF service properties associated with isns. The iSNS Server Management profile (see prof_attr(4)) includes all of the preceding authorizations. See rbac(5) for an overview of roles and authorizations. OPTIONS
There are no options supported by the isns daemon. EXAMPLES
Example 1 Starting an isns Server The following command starts the isns server. # svcadm enable svc:/network/isns_server Example 2 Stopping an isns Server The following command stops the isns server. # svcadm disable svc:/network/isns_server Example 3 Changing an isns Property The following sequence of commands changes the value of the ESI_retry_threshold_count property. # svccfg -s svc:/network/isns_server setprop config/ESI_retry_threshold_count = 6 # svcadm refresh svc:/network/isns_server FILES
/usr/sbin/isns iSNS daemon binary. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWisnsr | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Standard | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
svcs(1), isnsadm(1M), svcadm(1M), svccfg(1M), auth_attr(4), prof_attr(4), attributes(5), rbac(5), smf(5) NOTES
It is strongly recommended that you restart the server (svcadm restart) after a service property is changed. This allows the server to apply a uniform setting for existing and new clients. A control node, as described in RFC 4171, is not required to administer the server. Control node operations can be achieved through the isnsadm(1M) command interface on the local host. For example, isnsadm enables you to create a discovery domain and a discovery domain set and to add a member to it, in order to create discovery domain and discovery domain set associations. SunOS 5.11 8 Nov 2007 isns(1M)
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