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iprdump(8) [centos man page]

IPRDUMP(8)						      System Manager's Manual							IPRDUMP(8)

iprdump - IBM Power RAID adapter dump utility SYNOPSIS
iprdump [-d directory] iprdump --version --debug --use-polling --use-uevents DESCRIPTION
iprdump is used to gather information in the event of an adapter failure. The dump data will by default be saved in the /var/log/ direc- tory with the prefix iprdump.# where # will be the dump ID of the file. The ipr dump utility will make a log in the system error log when a dump is taken. The iprdump utility can be started at any time and will properly handle adapters being dynamically added and removed from the system. OPTIONS
--version Print the version number of iprdump --debug Enable additional error logging. Enabling this will result in additional errors logging to /var/log/messages. -d <directory> Directory where dump data is to be stored. Default is /var/log/. --use-polling Do not use netlink/uevent notification, but rather poll for adapter and device configuration changes. --use-uevents Use netlink/uevent notification rather than polling for adapter and device configuration changes. If not specified, polling will be used until the first uevent notification appears, then netlink will be used. AUTHOR
Originally written by Michael Anderson <>. Rewritten for the 2.6 kernel by Brian King <>. February 2005 IPRDUMP(8)

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IPRINIT(8)						      System Manager's Manual							IPRINIT(8)

iprinit - IBM Power RAID adapter/device initialization utility SYNOPSIS
iprinit iprinit --debug --daemon --use-polling --use-uevents DESCRIPTION
iprinit is used to setup IBM Power RAID adapters and devices for optimal performance. It will enable U320 scsi speeds if it is determined the disk enclosure supports it. It will also enable tagged command queuing. Any scsi bus attributes, such as bus width, or disk attributes, such as queue depth, that have been setup by iprconfig will be loaded as well. It is desired that this be called in the boot process, using the init.d script provided. OPTIONS
--version Print the version number of iprinit --debug Enable additional error logging. Enabling this will result in additional errors logging to /var/log/messages. --daemon Run as a daemon to handle adapters and devices being hotplugged. --use-polling Do not use netlink/uevent notification, but rather poll for adapter and device configuration changes. --use-uevents Use netlink/uevent notification rather than polling for adapter and device configuration changes. If not specified, polling will be used until the first uevent notification appears, then netlink will be used. AUTHOR
Brian King ( February 2005 IPRINIT(8)
Man Page

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