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install-catalog(8) [centos man page]


install-catalog - Manage a SGML or XML centralized catalog SYNOPSIS
install-catalog [ option ] action ... [ [ -d] [ --delegate] ] [ [ -a centralized ordinary] [ --add centralized ordinary] [ -r centralized ordinary] [ --remove centralized ordinary] [ -h] [ --help] [ -v] [ --version] ] DESCRIPTION
This shell script allows to handle a centralized catalog referencing other "ordinary" SGML or XML Open Catalogs. An Open Catalog contains a set of directives defined by OASIS, mostly used for defining equivalences between FPIs (Formal Public Identi- fiers) and real file names (see TR9401:1997 on <URL:>). The Open Catalogs usually reside in /usr/share/sgml. A centralized catalog is a special Open Catalog that includes only comments and CATALOG directives pointing to other catalogs (or DELEGATE directives if supported). The centralized catalog can be the key to all other SGML resources. It usually resides in /etc/sgml. The centralized catalog can be edited manually or through the install-catalog script to add or remove references to other ordinary cata- logs. This script is mainly destined to software package post-installation scripts. An example of a typical call to install-catalog is: install-catalog --add /usr/share/sgml/docbook/dsssl-stylesheets-1.54/catalog /etc/sgml/ This call will install in /etc/sgml/ a reference to /usr/share/sgml/docbook/dsssl-stylesheets-1.54/catalog. OPTIONS
Here is the list of options that can influence the way install-catalog works: [ [ -d] [ --delegate] ] Use DELEGATE instead of CATALOG directives to specify a pointer ACTIONS
Here is the list of actions that can be requested to install-catalog: [ [ -a centralized ordinary] [ --add centralized ordinary] ] Declare a new SGML package. [ [ -r centralized ordinary] [ --remove centralized ordinary] ] Remove a previously installed SGML package. [ [ -h] [ --help] ] Print a short help message and exit [ [ -v] [ --version] ] Print the version identifier and exit FILES
/etc/sgml/* The SGML centralized catalogs AUTHORS
Eric Bischoff <> Developper of install-catalog. SEE ALSO
jw(1) conversion from DocBook to other file formats nsgmls(1) a base component of Jade DSSSL engine <URL:> the home page of the DocBook tools, a compendium of all tools necessary to process DocBook files, including the SGML-common stuff. 04 August 2000 INSTALL-CATALOG(8)

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FRONTEND-SPEC(7)														  FRONTEND-SPEC(7)

frontend-spec - interface between jw and its frontends DESCRIPTION
jw(1) calls frontends like frontends/docbook to get the informations specific to a given input format. The frontend knows which information to return from the first command line parameter. It gets all necessary data via environment variables ready to use. This document describes that command line parameter and those environment variables. The frontend should return 0 if there weren't any problem, and return a positive value otherwise. VARIABLES
$1 The command line parameter, specifying which information to return. It can take the following values: centralized-catalog The frontend must return the DTD-specific centralized catalog name. Centralized catalogs normally reside in /etc/sgml and provide the location of all the catalog files useful for handling this input type (the catalog for the DTD, the catalog for the stylesheets, the catalog for the entities, ...) style-sheet The frontend must return the filename of the style sheet to be used for this document type and with the chosen backend. SGML_CATALOGS_DIR The directory where the centralized catalogs reside. It is normally /etc/sgml. (This variable is valid only while determining the centralized catalog to use.) SGML_BASE_DIR The base directory of the SGML system. It is normally /usr/share/sgml. (This variable is valid only while determining the style sheet to use.) SGML_FILE The name of the file to convert. (This variable is valid only while determining the centralized catalog to use.) SGML_TYPE The type of the backend to use, whether it produces output files to be displayed online or to be printed out. It can take the value html or print. (This variable is valid only while determining the style sheet to use). SGML_STYLESHEETS The desired custom stylesheet type, either none or default. If none, the frontend must return the file name of the style sheet pro- vided by the system beneath the docbook-utils. If default, the frontend must return the custom stylesheet provided by the docbook- utils. (This variable is valid only while determining the style sheet to use). SGML_XML The metalanguage of the file to convert, either sgml or xml. (This variable is valid only while determining the centralized catalog to use). FILES
backend-spec(7) AUTHORS
Jochem Huhmann <> 05 February 2003 FRONTEND-SPEC(7)
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