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ibping(8) [centos man page]

IBPING(8)							Open IB Diagnostics							 IBPING(8)

IBPING - ping an InfiniBand address SYNOPSIS
ibping [options] <dest lid | guid> DESCRIPTION
ibping uses vendor mads to validate connectivity between IB nodes. On exit, (IP) ping like output is show. ibping is run as client/server. Default is to run as client. Note also that a default ping server is implemented within the kernel. OPTIONS
-c, --count stop after count packets -f, --flood flood destination: send packets back to back without delay -o, --oui use specified OUI number to multiplex vendor mads -S, --Server start in server mode (do not return) Addressing Flags -L, --Lid The address specified is a LID -G, --Guid The address specified is a Port GUID -s, --sm_port <smlid> use 'smlid' as the target lid for SA queries. Port Selection flags -C, --Ca <ca_name> use the specified ca_name. -P, --Port <ca_port> use the specified ca_port. Local port Selection Multiple port/Multiple CA support: when no IB device or port is specified (see the "local umad parameters" below), the libibumad library selects the port to use by the following criteria: 1. the first port that is ACTIVE. 2. if not found, the first port that is UP (physical link up). If a port and/or CA name is specified, the libibumad library attempts to fulfill the user request, and will fail if it is not possible. For example: ibaddr # use the first port (criteria #1 above) ibaddr -C mthca1 # pick the best port from "mthca1" only. ibaddr -P 2 # use the second (active/up) port from the first available IB device. ibaddr -C mthca0 -P 2 # use the specified port only. Configuration flags --config, -z <config_file> Specify alternate config file. Default: /etc/infiniband-diags/ibdiag.conf -t, --timeout <timeout_ms> override the default timeout for the solicited mads. Debugging flags -h, --help show the usage message -d raise the IB debugging level. May be used several times (-ddd or -d -d -d). -e show send and receive errors (timeouts and others) -v, --verbose increase the application verbosity level. May be used several times (-vv or -v -v -v) -V, --version show the version info. FILES
CONFIG FILE /etc/infiniband-diags/ibdiag.conf A global config file is provided to set some of the common options for all tools. See supplied config file for details. AUTHOR
Hal Rosenstock < > IBPING(8)

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IBADDR(8)							OpenIB Diagnostics							 IBADDR(8)

IBADDR - query InfiniBand address(es) SYNOPSIS
ibaddr [options] DESCRIPTION
Display the lid (and range) as well as the GID address of the port specified (by DR path, lid, or GUID) or the local port by default. Note: this utility can be used as simple address resolver. OPTIONS
--gid_show, -g show gid address only --lid_show, -l show lid range only --Lid_show, -L show lid range (in decimal) only Addressing Flags -D, --Direct The address specified is a directed route Examples: [options] -D [options] "0" # self port [options] -D [options] "0,1,2,1,4" # out via port 1, then 2, ... (Note the second number in the path specified must match the port being used. This can be specified using the port selection flag '-P' or the port found through the automatic selection process.) -G, --Guid The address specified is a Port GUID -s, --sm_port <smlid> use 'smlid' as the target lid for SA queries. Debugging flags -d raise the IB debugging level. May be used several times (-ddd or -d -d -d). -e show send and receive errors (timeouts and others) -h, --help show the usage message -v, --verbose increase the application verbosity level. May be used several times (-vv or -v -v -v) -V, --version show the version info. Port Selection flags -C, --Ca <ca_name> use the specified ca_name. -P, --Port <ca_port> use the specified ca_port. Local port Selection Multiple port/Multiple CA support: when no IB device or port is specified (see the "local umad parameters" below), the libibumad library selects the port to use by the following criteria: 1. the first port that is ACTIVE. 2. if not found, the first port that is UP (physical link up). If a port and/or CA name is specified, the libibumad library attempts to fulfill the user request, and will fail if it is not possible. For example: ibaddr # use the first port (criteria #1 above) ibaddr -C mthca1 # pick the best port from "mthca1" only. ibaddr -P 2 # use the second (active/up) port from the first available IB device. ibaddr -C mthca0 -P 2 # use the specified port only. Configuration flags -y, --m_key <key> use the specified M_key for requests. If non-numeric value (like 'x') is specified then a value will be prompted for. --config, -z <config_file> Specify alternate config file. Default: /etc/infiniband-diags/ibdiag.conf FILES
CONFIG FILE /etc/infiniband-diags/ibdiag.conf A global config file is provided to set some of the common options for all tools. See supplied config file for details. EXAMPLES
ibaddr # local port's address ibaddr 32 # show lid range and gid of lid 32 ibaddr -G 0x8f1040023 # same but using guid address ibaddr -l 32 # show lid range only ibaddr -L 32 # show decimal lid range only ibaddr -g 32 # show gid address only SEE ALSO
ibroute (8), ibtracert (8) AUTHOR
Hal Rosenstock < > IBADDR(8)
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