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grub-probe(8) [centos man page]

GRUB-PROBE(8)                                             System Administration Utilities                                            GRUB-PROBE(8)

grub-probe - probe device information for GRUB SYNOPSIS
Probe device information for a given path (or device, if the -d option is given). -0 separate items in output using ASCII NUL characters -d, --device given argument is a system device, not a path -m, --device-map=FILE use FILE as the device map [default=/boot/grub/] -t, --target=TARGET print TARGET available targets: abstraction, arc_hints, baremetal_hints, bios_hints, compatibility_hint, cryptodisk_uuid, device, disk, drive, efi_hints, fs, fs_label, fs_uuid, gpt_parttype, hints_string, ieee1275_hints, msdos_parttype, partmap, zero_check [default=fs] -v, --verbose print verbose messages. -?, --help give this help list --usage give a short usage message -V, --version print program version Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional for any corresponding short options. REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to <>. SEE ALSO
grub-fstest(1) The full documentation for grub-probe is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and grub-probe programs are properly installed at your site, the command info grub-probe should give you access to the complete manual. grub-probe (GRUB) 2.02-2ubuntu8.3 July 2018 GRUB-PROBE(8)

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GRUB-SETUP(8)						  System Administration Utilities					     GRUB-SETUP(8)

grub-setup - set up a device to boot using GRUB SYNOPSIS
Set up images to boot from DEVICE. You should not normally run this program directly. Use grub-install instead. -a, --allow-floppy Make the drive also bootable as floppy (default for fdX devices). May break on some BIOSes. -b, --boot-image=FILE Use FILE as the boot image [default=boot.img] -c, --core-image=FILE Use FILE as the core image [default=core.img] -d, --directory=DIR Use GRUB files in the directory DIR [default=/boot/grub] -f, --force Install even if problems are detected -m, --device-map=FILE Use FILE as the device map [default=/boot/grub/] -r, --root-device=DEV Use DEV as the root device [default=guessed] -s, --skip-fs-probe Do not probe for filesystems in DEVICE -v, --verbose Print verbose messages. -?, --help give this help list --usage give a short usage message -V, --version print program version Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional for any corresponding short options. DEVICE must be an OS device (e.g. /dev/sda). REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to <>. SEE ALSO
grub-install(8), grub-mkimage(1), grub-mkrescue(1) The full documentation for grub-setup is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and grub-setup programs are properly installed at your site, the command info grub-setup should give you access to the complete manual. grub-setup (GRUB) 1.99-12ubuntu5 October 2011 GRUB-SETUP(8)
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