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e2freefrag(8) [centos man page]

E2FREEFRAG(8)						      System Manager's Manual						     E2FREEFRAG(8)

e2freefrag - report free space fragmentation information SYNOPSIS
e2freefrag [ -c chunk_kb ] [ -h ] filesys DESCRIPTION
e2freefrag is used to report free space fragmentation on ext2/3/4 file systems. filesys is the filesystem device name (e.g. /dev/hdc1, /dev/md0). The e2freefrag program will scan the block bitmap information to check how many free blocks are present as contiguous and aligned free space. The percentage of contiguous free blocks of size and of alignment chunk_kb is reported. It also displays the mini- mum/maximum/average free chunk size in the filesystem, along with a histogram of all free chunks. This information can be used to gauge the level of free space fragmentation in the filesystem. OPTIONS
-c chunk_kb If a chunk size is specified, then e2freefrag will print how many free chunks of size chunk_kb are available in units of kilobytes (Kb). The chunk size must be a power of two and be larger than filesystem block size. -h Print the usage of the program. EXAMPLE
# e2freefrag /dev/vgroot/lvhome Device: /dev/vgroot/lvhome Blocksize: 4096 bytes Total blocks: 1504085 Free blocks: 292995 (19.5%) Min. free extent: 4 KB Max. free extent: 24008 KB Avg. free extent: 252 KB HISTOGRAM OF FREE EXTENT SIZES: Extent Size Range : Free extents Free Blocks Percent 4K... 8K- : 704 704 0.2% 8K... 16K- : 810 1979 0.7% 16K... 32K- : 843 4467 1.5% 32K... 64K- : 579 6263 2.1% 64K... 128K- : 493 11067 3.8% 128K... 256K- : 394 18097 6.2% 256K... 512K- : 281 25477 8.7% 512K... 1024K- : 253 44914 15.3% 1M... 2M- : 143 51897 17.7% 2M... 4M- : 73 50683 17.3% 4M... 8M- : 37 52417 17.9% 8M... 16M- : 7 19028 6.5% 16M... 32M- : 1 6002 2.0% AUTHOR
This version of e2freefrag was written by Rupesh Thakare, and modified by Andreas Dilger <>, and Kalpak Shah. SEE ALSO
debugfs(8), dumpe2fs(8), e2fsck(8) E2fsprogs version 1.42.9 December 2013 E2FREEFRAG(8)

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FSTRIM(8)						      System Manager's Manual							 FSTRIM(8)

fstrim - discard unused blocks on a mounted filesystem SYNOPSIS
fstrim [-o offset] [-l length] [-m minimum-extent] [-v] mountpoint DESCRIPTION
fstrim is used on a mounted filesystem to discard (or "trim") blocks which are not in use by the filesystem. This is useful for solid- state drives (SSDs) and thinly-provisioned storage. By default, fstrim will discard all unused blocks in the filesystem. Options may be used to modify this behavior based on range or size, as explained below. The mountpoint argument is the pathname of the directory where the filesystem is mounted. OPTIONS
The offset, length, and minimum-free-extent arguments may be followed by binary (2^N) suffixes KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB, PiB and EiB (the "iB" is optional, e.g. "K" has the same meaning as "KiB") or decimal (10^N) suffixes KB, MB, GB, PB and EB. -h, --help Print help and exit. -o, --offset offset Byte offset in filesystem from which to begin searching for free blocks to discard. Default value is zero, starting at the begin- ning of the filesystem. -l, --length length Number of bytes after starting point to search for free blocks to discard. If the specified value extends past the end of the filesystem, fstrim will stop at the filesystem size boundary. Default value extends to the end of the filesystem. -m, --minimum minimum-free-extent Minimum contiguous free range to discard, in bytes. (This value is internally rounded up to a multiple of the filesystem block size). Free ranges smaller than this will be ignored. By increasing this value, the fstrim operation will complete more quickly for filesystems with badly fragmented freespace, although not all blocks will be discarded. Default value is zero, discard every free block. -v, --verbose Verbose execution. When specified fstrim will output the number of bytes passed from the filesystem down the block stack to the device for potential discard. This number is a maximum discard amount from the storage device's perspective, because FITRIM ioctl called repeated will keep sending the same sectors for discard repeatedly. fstrim will report the same potential discard bytes each time, but only sectors which had been written to between the discards would actually be discarded by the storage device. Further, the kernel block layer reserves the right to adjust the discard ranges to fit raid stripe geometry, non-trim capable devices in a LVM setup, etc. These reductions would not be reflected in fstrim_range.len (the --length option). AUTHOR
Lukas Czerner <> Karel Zak <> SEE ALSO
The fstrim command is part of the util-linux package and is available from Nov 2010 FSTRIM(8)
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