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crm_verify(8) [centos man page]

PACEMAKER(8)						  System Administration Utilities					      PACEMAKER(8)

Pacemaker - Part of the Pacemaker cluster resource manager SYNOPSIS
crm_verify [modifiers] data_source DESCRIPTION
crm_verify - Check a (complete) confiuration for syntax and common conceptual errors. Checks the well-formedness of an XML configuration, its conformance to the configured DTD/schema and for the presence of common misconfigu- rations. It reports two classes of problems, errors and warnings. Errors must be fixed before the cluster will work properly. However, it is left up to the administrator to decide if the warnings should also be fixed. OPTIONS
-?, --help This text -$, --version Version information -V, --verbose Increase debug output Data sources: -L, --live-check Check the configuration used by the running cluster -x, --xml-file=value Check the configuration in the named file -X, --xml-text=value Check the configuration in the supplied string -p, --xml-pipe Check the configuration piped in via stdin Additional Options: -S, --save-xml=value Save the verified XML to the named file. Most useful with -L EXAMPLES
Check the consistency of the configuration in the running cluster: # crm_verify --live-check Check the consistency of the configuration in a given file and produce verbose output: # crm_verify --xml-file file.xml --verbose AUTHOR
Written by Andrew Beekhof REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to Pacemaker 1.1.10-29.el7 June 2014 PACEMAKER(8)

Check Out this Related Man Page

PACEMAKER(8)						  System Administration Utilities					      PACEMAKER(8)

Pacemaker - Part of the Pacemaker cluster resource manager SYNOPSIS
ptest [-?Vv] -[Xxp] {other options} DESCRIPTION
ptest - Calculate the cluster's response to the supplied cluster state Superceeded by crm_simulate and likely to be removed in a future release OPTIONS
-?, --help This text -$, --version Version information -V, --verbose Increase debug output -S, --simulate Simulate the transition's execution to find invalid graphs -s, --show-scores Display resource allocation scores -U, --show-utilization Display utilization information -a, --all-actions Display all possible actions - even ones not part of the transition graph -L, --live-check Connect to the CIB and use the current contents as input -X, --xml-text=value Retrieve XML from the supplied string -x, --xml-file=value Retrieve XML from the named file -I, --save-input=value Save the input to the named file -G, --save-graph=value Save the transition graph (XML format) to the named file -D, --save-dotfile=value Save the transition graph (DOT format) to the named file AUTHOR
Written by Andrew Beekhof REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to Pacemaker 1.1.7 April 2012 PACEMAKER(8)
Man Page

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