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crm_attribute(8) [centos man page]

PACEMAKER(8)						  System Administration Utilities					      PACEMAKER(8)

Pacemaker - Part of the Pacemaker cluster resource manager SYNOPSIS
crm_attribute command -n attribute [options] DESCRIPTION
crm_attribute - Manage node's attributes and cluster options. Allows node attributes and cluster options to be queried, modified and deleted. OPTIONS
-?, --help This text -$, --version Version information -V, --verbose Increase debug output -q, --quiet Print only the value on stdout -n, --name=value Name of the attribute/option to operate on Commands: -G, --query Query the current value of the attribute/option -v, --update=value Update the value of the attribute/option -D, --delete Delete the attribute/option Additional Options: -N, --node=value Set an attribute for the named node (instead of a cluster option). See also: -l -t, --type=value Which part of the configuration to update/delete/query the option in. Valid values: crm_config, rsc_defaults, op_defaults, tickets -l, --lifetime=value Lifetime of the node attribute. Valid values: reboot, forever -z, --utilization Set an utilization attribute for the node. -s, --set-name=value (Advanced) The attribute set in which to place the value -i, --id=value (Advanced) The ID used to identify the attribute -d, --default=value (Advanced) The default value to display if none is found in the configuration EXAMPLES
Add a new attribute called 'location' with the value of 'office' for host 'myhost': # crm_attribute --node myhost --name location --update office Query the value of the 'location' node attribute for host myhost: # crm_attribute --node myhost --name location --query Change the value of the 'location' node attribute for host myhost: # crm_attribute --node myhost --name location --update backoffice Delete the 'location' node attribute for the host myhost: # crm_attribute --node myhost --name location --delete Query the value of the cluster-delay cluster option: # crm_attribute --type crm_config --name cluster-delay --query Query the value of the cluster-delay cluster option. Only print the value: # crm_attribute --type crm_config --name cluster-delay --query --quiet AUTHOR
Written by Andrew Beekhof REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to Pacemaker 1.1.10-29.el7 June 2014 PACEMAKER(8)

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PACEMAKER(8)						  System Administration Utilities					      PACEMAKER(8)

Pacemaker - Part of the Pacemaker cluster resource manager SYNOPSIS
crm_resource (query|command) [options] DESCRIPTION
crm_resource - Perform tasks related to cluster resources. Allows resources to be queried (definition and location), modified, and moved around the cluster. OPTIONS
-?, --help This text -$, --version Version information -V, --verbose Increase debug output -Q, --quiet Print only the value on stdout -r, --resource=value Resource ID Queries: -L, --list List all resources -l, --list-raw List the IDs of all instantiated resources (no groups/clones/...) -O, --list-operations List active resource operations. Optionally filtered by resource (-r) and/or node (-N) -o, --list-all-operations List all resource operations. Optionally filtered by resource (-r) and/or node (-N) -q, --query-xml Query the definition of a resource (template expanded) -w, --query-xml-raw Query the definition of a resource (raw xml) -W, --locate Display the current location(s) of a resource -A, --stack Display the prerequisites and dependents of a resource -a, --constraints Display the (co)location constraints that apply to a resource Commands: -p, --set-parameter=value Set the named parameter for a resource. See also -m, --meta -g, --get-parameter=value Display the named parameter for a resource. See also -m, --meta -d, --delete-parameter=value Delete the named parameter for a resource. See also -m, --meta -M, --move Move a resource from its current location, optionally specifying a destination (-N) and/or a period for which it should take effect (-u) If -N is not specified, the cluster will force the resource to move by creating a rule for the current location and a score of -INFINITY NOTE: This will prevent the resource from running on this node until the constraint is removed with -U -U, --un-move Remove all constraints created by a move command Advanced Commands: -D, --delete Delete a resource from the CIB -F, --fail Tell the cluster this resource has failed -R, --refresh (Advanced) Refresh the CIB from the LRM -C, --cleanup (Advanced) Delete a resource from the LRM -P, --reprobe (Advanced) Re-check for resources started outside of the CRM Additional Options: -N, --node=value Host uname -t, --resource-type=value Resource type (primitive, clone, group, ...) -v, --parameter-value=value Value to use with -p, -g or -d -u, --lifetime=value Lifespan of migration constraints -m, --meta Modify a resource's configuration option rather than one which is passed to the resource agent script. For use with -p, -g, -d -z, --utilization Modify a resource's utilization attribute. For use with -p, -g, -d -s, --set-name=value (Advanced) ID of the instance_attributes object to change -i, --nvpair=value (Advanced) ID of the nvpair object to change/delete -f, --force EXAMPLES
List the configured resources: # crm_resource --list Display the current location of 'myResource': # crm_resource --resource myResource --locate Move 'myResource' to another machine: # crm_resource --resource myResource --move Move 'myResource' to a specific machine: # crm_resource --resource myResource --move --node altNode Allow (but not force) 'myResource' to move back to its original location: # crm_resource --resource myResource --un-move Tell the cluster that 'myResource' failed: # crm_resource --resource myResource --fail Stop a 'myResource' (and anything that depends on it): # crm_resource --resource myResource --set-parameter target-role --meta --parameter-value Stopped Tell the cluster not to manage 'myResource': The cluster will not attempt to start or stop the resource under any circumstances. Useful when performing maintenance tasks on a resource. # crm_resource --resource myResource --set-parameter is-managed --meta --parameter-value false Erase the operation history of 'myResource' on 'aNode': The cluster will 'forget' the existing resource state (including any errors) and attempt to recover the resource. Useful when a resource had failed permanently and has been repaired by an administrator. # crm_resource --resource myResource --cleanup --node aNode AUTHOR
Written by Andrew Beekhof REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to Pacemaker 1.1.7 April 2012 PACEMAKER(8)
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