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btrfs-map-logical(8) [centos man page]

BTRFS-MAP-LOGICAL(8)					      System Manager's Manual					      BTRFS-MAP-LOGICAL(8)

btrfs-map-logical - map btrfs logical extent to physical extent SYNOPSIS
btrfs-map-logical [options] <device> DESCRIPTION
btrfs-map-logical can be used to find out what the physical offsets are on the mirrors, the result is dumped into stdout in default. Options -l|--logical <logical_num> Logical extent to map. -c|--copy <copy> Copy of the extent to read(usually 1 or 2). -o|--output <filename> Output file to hold the extent. -b|--bytes <bytes> Number of bytes to read. EXIT CODE
btrfs-map-logical will return 0 if no error happened. If any problems happened, 1 will be returned. AUTHOR
Written by Shilong Wang and Wenruo Qu. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2013 Fujitsu, Inc. License GPLv2: GNU GPL version 2 <>. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SEE ALSO
mkfs.btrfs(8) BTRFS-MAP-LOGICAL(8)

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MKFS.BTRFS(8)						      System Manager's Manual						     MKFS.BTRFS(8)

mkfs.btrfs - create a btrfs filesystem SYNOPSIS
mkfs.btrfs [ -A alloc-start ] [ -b byte-count ] [ -d data-profile ] [ -f ] [ -n nodesize ] [ -l leafsize ] [ -L label ] [ -m metadata pro- file ] [ -M mixed data+metadata ] [ -s sectorsize ] [ -r rootdir ] [ -K ] [ -O feature1,feature2,... ] [ -h ] [ -V ] device [ device ... ] DESCRIPTION
mkfs.btrfs is used to create a btrfs filesystem (usually in a disk partition, or an array of disk partitions). device is the special file corresponding to the device (e.g /dev/sdXX ). If multiple devices are specified, btrfs is created spanning across the specified devices. OPTIONS
-A, --alloc-start offset Specify the offset from the start of the device to start the btrfs filesystem. The default value is zero, or the start of the device. -b, --byte-count size Specify the size of the resultant filesystem. If this option is not used, mkfs.btrfs uses all the available storage for the filesys- tem. -d, --data type Specify how the data must be spanned across the devices specified. Valid values are raid0, raid1, raid5, raid6, raid10 or single. -f, --force Force overwrite when an existing filesystem is detected on the device. By default, mkfs.btrfs will not write to the device if it suspects that there is a filesystem or partition table on the device already. -n, --nodesize size -l, --leafsize size Specify the nodesize, the tree block size in which btrfs stores data. The default value is the page size. Must be a multiple of the sectorsize, but not larger than 65536. Leafsize always equals nodesize and the options are aliases. -L, --label name Specify a label for the filesystem. -m, --metadata profile Specify how metadata must be spanned across the devices specified. Valid values are raid0, raid1, raid5, raid6, raid10, single or dup. Single device will have dup set by default except in the case of SSDs which will default to single. This is because SSDs can remap blocks internally so duplicate blocks could end up in the same erase block which negates the benefits of doing metadata dupli- cation. -M, --mixed Mix data and metadata chunks together for more efficient space utilization. This feature incurs a performance penalty in larger filesystems. It is recommended for use with filesystems of 1 GiB or smaller. -s, --sectorsize size Specify the sectorsize, the minimum data block allocation unit. The default value is the page size. If the sectorsize differs from the page size, the created filesystem may not be mountable by current kernel. Therefore it is not recommended to use this option unless you are going to mount it on a system with the appropriate page size. -r, --rootdir rootdir Specify a directory to copy into the newly created fs. -K, --nodiscard Do not perform whole device TRIM operation by default. -O, --features feature1,feature2,... A list of filesystem features turned on at mkfs time. Not all features are supported by old kernels. To see all run mkfs.btrfs -O list-all -V, --version Print the mkfs.btrfs version and exit. UNIT
As default the unit is the byte, however it is possible to append a suffix to the arguments like k for KBytes, m for MBytes... AVAILABILITY
mkfs.btrfs is part of btrfs-progs. Btrfs is currently under heavy development, and not suitable for any uses other than benchmarking and review. Please refer to the btrfs wiki for further details. SEE ALSO
btrfsck(8) MKFS.BTRFS(8)
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