how to read a tape?

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# 1  
Old 09-25-2002
how to read a tape?

Dear all,

I have searched the topics and have not found an answer to my problem.
I wish to view the content of a backup-tape. I use the command cpio with the following parameters: -itcB and to round it all of: < /dev/rmt/0cbn for the tape.

cpio -itcB < /dev/rmt/0cbn
cpio: I/O error on "input", errno 12, Not enough space
1 errors

Am I missing something here?

# 2  
Old 09-25-2002
Hammer & Screwdriver

Try cpio with the command -icBvt
# 3  
Old 09-25-2002

Executing this command (cpio -icBvt) will give me the following error: cannot open.
Now, this might be because the label of the tape has been deleted. I will try this tomorrow after the backup has run.

Keep you posted.
# 4  
Old 09-25-2002
cpio vs tar?

I am just curious why you use cpio vs tar. Are there advantages for your environment over using tar? Was this just the way it was setup when you took over the backups?

I know that cpio is very good for moving directory trees and files. I used this extensively in my last job.

Just curious... Smilie
# 5  
Old 09-25-2002
Why not using ufsdump and ufsrestore I know that they are extremely powerful. We use them in our system.
# 6  
Old 09-26-2002
Wow, what a lot of people helping me out.
Okay, I'm a real newbie, so help me out here...

We use savegrp to perform a backup of our unix-system. I don't know if this has anything to do with the commands failing?

About all other suggestions: I'll check them out to find the correct parameters/commands for my purposes.

It's still not working, but I really appreciate all your suggestions. Keep on unix!
# 7  
Old 09-26-2002
What is your O/S i.e Solaris, Aix, SCO etc

most versions of Unix have the cpio and tar commnads. To make sure your tape drive is working to begin with, create a file in /tmp Lets say call it backuptest (touch /tmp/backuptest)

use either command to write to the tape

tar cvf /tmp/backuptest > /dev/rmt/0cbn
To read it back, rewind the tape then
tar tvf < /dev/rmt/0cbn


find /tmp/backuptest -print | cpio -ocBvdum >/dev/rmt/0cbn
To read it back, rewind the tape then
cpio -icBvt </dev/rmt/0cbn

If you use AIX, I would suggest using the mksysb (Full system backup command)
If you use Solaris, I would suggest using the ufsdump command
and for SCO proberly best to use tar.

Hope it helps
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