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pom_disable_module(7) [centos man page]

POM_DISABLE_MODULE(7)						Java Packages Tools					     POM_DISABLE_MODULE(7)

pom_disable_module - disable given project module in POM file SYNOPSIS
%pom_disable_module module-name [POM-location] DESCRIPTION
This macro patches specified POM file not to contain reference to given project module. Module name is the exact name of the module to be disabled. It must not be ommited. POM location can be either a full path to the POM file, or a path to the directory containing pom.xml. If POM location is not given then pom.xml from current working directory is used. EXAMPLES
%pom_disable_module nonfree - this call removes aggregated module nonfree from POM file in current working directory. AUTHOR
Written by Mikolaj Izdebski. REPORTING BUGS
Bugs should be reported through Red Hat Bugzilla at SEE ALSO
pom_add_dep(7), pom_add_parent(7), pom_add_plugin(7), pom_remove_dep(7), pom_remove_parent(7), pom_remove_plugin(7), pom_set_parent(7), pom_xpath_inject(7), pom_xpath_remove(7), pom_xpath_replace(7), pom_xpath_set(7). JAVAPACKAGES
06/10/2014 POM_DISABLE_MODULE(7)

Check Out this Related Man Page

POM_XPATH_REMOVE(7)						Java Packages Tools					       POM_XPATH_REMOVE(7)

pom_xpath_remove - remove an XML node from POM file SYNOPSIS
%pom_xpath_remove XPath [POM-location] DESCRIPTION
This macro patches specified POM file removing all XML nodes described by the XPath expression. XPath is an expression describing a set of XML nodes to be removed from the POM file. It must be a properly formated XPath 1.0 expression, as described in POM location can be either a full path to the POM file, or a path to the directory containing pom.xml. If POM location is not given then pom.xml from current working directory is used. EXAMPLES
%pom_xpath_remove pom:project/pom:reporting - this call removes reporting section from POM in current working directory. BUGS
POM files use a specific namespace - Currently this namespace needs to be explicitly specified in all XPath POM macros by prefixing all node names with pom:. AUTHOR
Written by Mikolaj Izdebski. REPORTING BUGS
Bugs should be reported through Red Hat Bugzilla at SEE ALSO
pom_add_dep(7), pom_add_parent(7), pom_add_plugin(7), pom_disable_module(7), pom_remove_dep(7), pom_remove_parent(7), pom_remove_plugin(7), pom_set_parent(7), pom_xpath_inject(7), pom_xpath_replace(7), pom_xpath_set(7). JAVAPACKAGES
06/10/2014 POM_XPATH_REMOVE(7)
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