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ocf_heartbeat_ipsrcaddr(7) [centos man page]

OCF_HEARTBEAT_IPSRCA(7) 					OCF resource agents					   OCF_HEARTBEAT_IPSRCA(7)

ocf_heartbeat_IPsrcaddr - Manages the preferred source address for outgoing IP packets SYNOPSIS
IPsrcaddr [start | stop | monitor | meta-data | validate-all] DESCRIPTION
Resource script for IPsrcaddr. It manages the preferred source address modification. SUPPORTED PARAMETERS
ipaddress The IP address. (required, string, no default) cidr_netmask The netmask for the interface in CIDR format. (ie, 24), or in dotted quad notation (optional, string, no default) SUPPORTED ACTIONS
This resource agent supports the following actions (operations): start Starts the resource. Suggested minimum timeout: 20s. stop Stops the resource. Suggested minimum timeout: 20s. monitor Performs a detailed status check. Suggested minimum timeout: 20s. Suggested interval: 10. validate-all Performs a validation of the resource configuration. Suggested minimum timeout: 5. meta-data Retrieves resource agent metadata (internal use only). Suggested minimum timeout: 5. EXAMPLE
The following is an example configuration for a IPsrcaddr resource using the crm(8) shell: primitive p_IPsrcaddr ocf:heartbeat:IPsrcaddr params ipaddress=string op monitor depth="0" timeout="20s" interval="10" SEE ALSO AUTHOR
Linux-HA contributors (see the resource agent source for information about individual authors) resource-agents UNKNOWN 06/09/2014 OCF_HEARTBEAT_IPSRCA(7)

Check Out this Related Man Page

OCF_HEARTBEAT_XINETD(7) 					OCF resource agents					   OCF_HEARTBEAT_XINETD(7)

ocf_heartbeat_Xinetd - Manages an Xinetd service SYNOPSIS
Xinetd [start | stop | status | monitor | meta-data | validate-all] DESCRIPTION
Resource script for Xinetd. It starts/stops services managed by xinetd. Note that the xinetd daemon itself must be running: we are not going to start it or stop it ourselves. Important: in case the services managed by the cluster are the only ones enabled, you should specify the -stayalive option for xinetd or it will exit on Heartbeat stop. Alternatively, you may enable some internal service such as echo. SUPPORTED PARAMETERS
service The service name managed by xinetd. (required, string, no default) SUPPORTED ACTIONS
This resource agent supports the following actions (operations): start Starts the resource. Suggested minimum timeout: 20s. stop Stops the resource. Suggested minimum timeout: 20s. restart Suggested minimum timeout: 20s. status Performs a status check. Suggested minimum timeout: 10. Suggested interval: 10. monitor Performs a detailed status check. Suggested minimum timeout: 10. Suggested interval: 10. validate-all Performs a validation of the resource configuration. Suggested minimum timeout: 5. meta-data Retrieves resource agent metadata (internal use only). Suggested minimum timeout: 5. EXAMPLE
The following is an example configuration for a Xinetd resource using the crm(8) shell: primitive p_Xinetd ocf:heartbeat:Xinetd params service=string op monitor depth="0" timeout="10" interval="10" SEE ALSO AUTHOR
Linux-HA contributors (see the resource agent source for information about individual authors) resource-agents UNKNOWN 03/09/2014 OCF_HEARTBEAT_XINETD(7)
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