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SERVER(7) PostgreSQL 9.2.7 Documentation CREATE SERVER(7) NAME
CREATE_SERVER - define a new foreign server SYNOPSIS
CREATE SERVER server_name [ TYPE 'server_type' ] [ VERSION 'server_version' ] FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER fdw_name [ OPTIONS ( option 'value' [, ... ] ) ] DESCRIPTION
CREATE SERVER defines a new foreign server. The user who defines the server becomes its owner. A foreign server typically encapsulates connection information that a foreign-data wrapper uses to access an external data resource. Additional user-specific connection information may be specified by means of user mappings. The server name must be unique within the database. Creating a server requires USAGE privilege on the foreign-data wrapper being used. PARAMETERS
server_name The name of the foreign server to be created. server_type Optional server type. server_version Optional server version. fdw_name The name of the foreign-data wrapper that manages the server. OPTIONS ( option 'value' [, ... ] ) This clause specifies the options for the server. The options typically define the connection details of the server, but the actual names and values are dependent on the server's foreign-data wrapper. NOTES
When using the dblink module (see dblink), the foreign server name can be used as an argument of the dblink_connect(3) function to indicate the connection parameters. See also there for more examples. It is necessary to have the USAGE privilege on the foreign server to be able to use it in this way. EXAMPLES
Create a server foo that uses the built-in foreign-data wrapper default: CREATE SERVER foo FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER "default"; Create a server myserver that uses the foreign-data wrapper pgsql: CREATE SERVER myserver FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER pgsql OPTIONS (host 'foo', dbname 'foodb', port '5432'); COMPATIBILITY

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DBLINK_CONNECT(3)					  PostgreSQL 9.2.7 Documentation					 DBLINK_CONNECT(3)

dblink_connect - opens a persistent connection to a remote database SYNOPSIS
dblink_connect(text connstr) returns text dblink_connect(text connname, text connstr) returns text DESCRIPTION
dblink_connect() establishes a connection to a remote PostgreSQL database. The server and database to be contacted are identified through a standard libpq connection string. Optionally, a name can be assigned to the connection. Multiple named connections can be open at once, but only one unnamed connection is permitted at a time. The connection will persist until closed or until the database session is ended. The connection string may also be the name of an existing foreign server. It is recommended to use the postgresql_fdw_validator when defining the corresponding foreign-data wrapper. See the example below, as well as the following: CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER (CREATE_FOREIGN_DATA_WRAPPER(7)), CREATE SERVER (CREATE_SERVER(7)), CREATE USER MAPPING (CREATE_USER_MAPPING(7)) ARGUMENTS
conname The name to use for this connection; if omitted, an unnamed connection is opened, replacing any existing unnamed connection. connstr libpq-style connection info string, for example hostaddr= port=5432 dbname=mydb user=postgres password=mypasswd. For details see PQconnectdb in Section 31.1, "Database Connection Control Functions", in the documentation. RETURN VALUE
Returns status, which is always OK (since any error causes the function to throw an error instead of returning). NOTES
Only superusers may use dblink_connect to create non-password-authenticated connections. If non-superusers need this capability, use dblink_connect_u instead. It is unwise to choose connection names that contain equal signs, as this opens a risk of confusion with connection info strings in other dblink functions. EXAMPLES
SELECT dblink_connect('dbname=postgres'); dblink_connect ---------------- OK (1 row) SELECT dblink_connect('myconn', 'dbname=postgres'); dblink_connect ---------------- OK (1 row) -- FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER functionality -- Note: local connection must require password authentication for this to work properly -- Otherwise, you will receive the following error from dblink_connect(): -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ERROR: password is required -- DETAIL: Non-superuser cannot connect if the server does not request a password. -- HINT: Target server's authentication method must be changed. CREATE USER dblink_regression_test WITH PASSWORD 'secret'; CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgresql VALIDATOR postgresql_fdw_validator; CREATE SERVER fdtest FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgresql OPTIONS (hostaddr '', dbname 'contrib_regression'); CREATE USER MAPPING FOR dblink_regression_test SERVER fdtest OPTIONS (user 'dblink_regression_test', password 'secret'); GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER fdtest TO dblink_regression_test; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE foo TO dblink_regression_test; set ORIGINAL_USER :USER c - dblink_regression_test SELECT dblink_connect('myconn', 'fdtest'); dblink_connect ---------------- OK (1 row) SELECT * FROM dblink('myconn','SELECT * FROM foo') AS t(a int, b text, c text[]); a | b | c ----+---+--------------- 0 | a | {a0,b0,c0} 1 | b | {a1,b1,c1} 2 | c | {a2,b2,c2} 3 | d | {a3,b3,c3} 4 | e | {a4,b4,c4} 5 | f | {a5,b5,c5} 6 | g | {a6,b6,c6} 7 | h | {a7,b7,c7} 8 | i | {a8,b8,c8} 9 | j | {a9,b9,c9} 10 | k | {a10,b10,c10} (11 rows) c - :ORIGINAL_USER REVOKE USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER fdtest FROM dblink_regression_test; REVOKE SELECT ON TABLE foo FROM dblink_regression_test; DROP USER MAPPING FOR dblink_regression_test SERVER fdtest; DROP USER dblink_regression_test; DROP SERVER fdtest; DROP FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgresql; PostgreSQL 9.2.7 2014-02-17 DBLINK_CONNECT(3)
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