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create_conversion(7) [centos man page]

CONVERSION(7) PostgreSQL 9.2.7 Documentation CREATE CONVERSION(7) NAME
CREATE_CONVERSION - define a new encoding conversion SYNOPSIS
CREATE [ DEFAULT ] CONVERSION name FOR source_encoding TO dest_encoding FROM function_name DESCRIPTION
CREATE CONVERSION defines a new conversion between character set encodings. Also, conversions that are marked DEFAULT can be used for automatic encoding conversion between client and server. For this purpose, two conversions, from encoding A to B and from encoding B to A, must be defined. To be able to create a conversion, you must have EXECUTE privilege on the function and CREATE privilege on the destination schema. PARAMETERS
DEFAULT The DEFAULT clause indicates that this conversion is the default for this particular source to destination encoding. There should be only one default encoding in a schema for the encoding pair. name The name of the conversion. The conversion name can be schema-qualified. If it is not, the conversion is defined in the current schema. The conversion name must be unique within a schema. source_encoding The source encoding name. dest_encoding The destination encoding name. function_name The function used to perform the conversion. The function name can be schema-qualified. If it is not, the function will be looked up in the path. The function must have the following signature: conv_proc( integer, -- source encoding ID integer, -- destination encoding ID cstring, -- source string (null terminated C string) internal, -- destination (fill with a null terminated C string) integer -- source string length ) RETURNS void; NOTES
Use DROP CONVERSION to remove user-defined conversions. The privileges required to create a conversion might be changed in a future release. EXAMPLES
To create a conversion from encoding UTF8 to LATIN1 using myfunc: CREATE CONVERSION myconv FOR 'UTF8' TO 'LATIN1' FROM myfunc; COMPATIBILITY
CREATE CONVERSION is a PostgreSQL extension. There is no CREATE CONVERSION statement in the SQL standard, but a CREATE TRANSLATION statement that is very similar in purpose and syntax. SEE ALSO

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VIEW(7) PostgreSQL 9.2.7 Documentation ALTER VIEW(7) NAME
ALTER_VIEW - change the definition of a view SYNOPSIS
ALTER VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] name ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name SET DEFAULT expression ALTER VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] name ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name DROP DEFAULT ALTER VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] name OWNER TO new_owner ALTER VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] name RENAME TO new_name ALTER VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] name SET SCHEMA new_schema ALTER VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] name SET ( view_option_name [= view_option_value] [, ... ] ) ALTER VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] name RESET ( view_option_name [, ... ] ) DESCRIPTION
ALTER VIEW changes various auxiliary properties of a view. (If you want to modify the view's defining query, use CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW.) You must own the view to use ALTER VIEW. To change a view's schema, you must also have CREATE privilege on the new schema. To alter the owner, you must also be a direct or indirect member of the new owning role, and that role must have CREATE privilege on the view's schema. (These restrictions enforce that altering the owner doesn't do anything you couldn't do by dropping and recreating the view. However, a superuser can alter ownership of any view anyway.) PARAMETERS
name The name (optionally schema-qualified) of an existing view. IF EXISTS Do not throw an error if the view does not exist. A notice is issued in this case. SET/DROP DEFAULT These forms set or remove the default value for a column. A default value associated with a view column is inserted into INSERT statements on the view before the view's ON INSERT rule is applied, if the INSERT does not specify a value for the column. new_owner The user name of the new owner of the view. new_name The new name for the view. new_schema The new schema for the view. view_option_name The name of a view option to be set or reset. view_option_value The new value for a view option. NOTES
For historical reasons, ALTER TABLE can be used with views too; but the only variants of ALTER TABLE that are allowed with views are equivalent to the ones shown above. EXAMPLES
To rename the view foo to bar: ALTER VIEW foo RENAME TO bar; COMPATIBILITY
ALTER VIEW is a PostgreSQL extension of the SQL standard. SEE ALSO
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