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tapset::tty(3stap) [centos man page]

tapset::tty(3stap)														tapset::tty(3stap)

tapset::tty - systemtap tty tapset DESCRIPTION Called when a tty is opened See for details. tty.release Called when the tty is closed See probe::tty.release(3stap) for details. tty.resize Called when a terminal resize happens See probe::tty.resize(3stap) for details. tty.ioctl called when a ioctl is request to the tty See probe::tty.ioctl(3stap) for details. tty.init Called when a tty is being initalized See probe::tty.init(3stap) for details. tty.register Called when a tty device is registred See probe::tty.register(3stap) for details. tty.unregister Called when a tty device is being unregistered See probe::tty.unregister(3stap) for details. tty.poll Called when a tty device is being polled See probe::tty.poll(3stap) for details. tty.receive called when a tty receives a message See probe::tty.receive(3stap) for details. tty.write write to the tty line See probe::tty.write(3stap) for details. called when a tty line will be read See for details. SEE ALSO, probe::tty.release(3stap), probe::tty.resize(3stap), probe::tty.ioctl(3stap), probe::tty.init(3stap), probe::tty.register(3stap), probe::tty.unregister(3stap), probe::tty.poll(3stap), probe::tty.receive(3stap), probe::tty.write(3stap),, stap(1), stapprobes(3stap) IBM
--- tapset::tty(3stap)

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tapset::tcpmib(3stap)													     tapset::tcpmib(3stap)

tapset::tcpmib - systemtap tcpmib tapset DESCRIPTION
tcpmib_get_state Get a socket's state See function::tcpmib_get_state(3stap) for details. tcpmib_local_addr Get the source address See function::tcpmib_local_addr(3stap) for details. tcpmib_remote_addr Get the remote address See function::tcpmib_remote_addr(3stap) for details. tcpmib_local_port Get the local port See function::tcpmib_local_port(3stap) for details. tcpmib_remote_port Get the remote port See function::tcpmib_remote_port(3stap) for details. tcpmib.ActiveOpens Count an active opening of a socket See probe::tcpmib.ActiveOpens(3stap) for details. tcpmib.AttemptFails Count a failed attempt to open a socket See probe::tcpmib.AttemptFails(3stap) for details. tcpmib.CurrEstab Update the count of open sockets See probe::tcpmib.CurrEstab(3stap) for details. tcpmib.EstabResets Count the reset of a socket See probe::tcpmib.EstabResets(3stap) for details. tcpmib.InSegs Count an incoming tcp segment See probe::tcpmib.InSegs(3stap) for details. tcpmib.OutRsts Count the sending of a reset packet See probe::tcpmib.OutRsts(3stap) for details. tcpmib.OutSegs Count the sending of a TCP segment See probe::tcpmib.OutSegs(3stap) for details. tcpmib.PassiveOpens Count the passive creation of a socket See probe::tcpmib.PassiveOpens(3stap) for details. tcpmib.RetransSegs Count the retransmission of a TCP segment See probe::tcpmib.RetransSegs(3stap) for details. SEE ALSO
function::tcpmib_get_state(3stap), function::tcpmib_local_addr(3stap), function::tcpmib_remote_addr(3stap), function::tcpmib_local_port(3stap), function::tcpmib_remote_port(3stap), probe::tcpmib.ActiveOpens(3stap), probe::tcpmib.AttemptFails(3stap), probe::tcpmib.CurrEstab(3stap), probe::tcpmib.EstabResets(3stap), probe::tcpmib.InSegs(3stap), probe::tcpmib.OutRsts(3stap), probe::tcpmib.OutSegs(3stap), probe::tcpmib.PassiveOpens(3stap), probe::tcpmib.RetransSegs(3stap), stap(1), stapprobes(3stap) IBM
--- tapset::tcpmib(3stap)
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