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tapset::conversions(3stap) [centos man page]

tapset::conversions(3stap)												tapset::conversions(3stap)

tapset::conversions - systemtap conversions tapset DESCRIPTION
kernel_string Retrieves string from kernel memory See function::kernel_string(3stap) for details. kernel_string2 Retrieves string from kernel memory with alternative error string See function::kernel_string2(3stap) for details. kernel_string_n Retrieves string of given length from kernel memory See function::kernel_string_n(3stap) for details. kernel_string_utf32 Retrieves UTF-32 string from kernel memory See function::kernel_string_utf32(3stap) for details. kernel_string2_utf32 Retrieves UTF-32 string from kernel memory with alternative error string See function::kernel_string2_utf32(3stap) for details. kernel_string_utf16 Retrieves UTF-16 string from kernel memory See function::kernel_string_utf16(3stap) for details. kernel_string2_utf16 Retrieves UTF-16 string from kernel memory with alternative error string See function::kernel_string2_utf16(3stap) for details. kernel_long Retrieves a long value stored in kernel memory See function::kernel_long(3stap) for details. kernel_int Retrieves an int value stored in kernel memory See function::kernel_int(3stap) for details. kernel_short Retrieves a short value stored in kernel memory See function::kernel_short(3stap) for details. kernel_char Retrieves a char value stored in kernel memory See function::kernel_char(3stap) for details. kernel_pointer Retrieves a pointer value stored in kernel memory See function::kernel_pointer(3stap) for details. SEE ALSO
function::kernel_string(3stap), function::kernel_string2(3stap), function::kernel_string_n(3stap), function::kernel_string_utf32(3stap), function::kernel_string2_utf32(3stap), function::kernel_string_utf16(3stap), function::kernel_string2_utf16(3stap), function::kernel_long(3stap), function::kernel_int(3stap), function::kernel_short(3stap), function::kernel_char(3stap), function::kernel_pointer(3stap), stap(1), stapprobes(3stap) IBM
--- tapset::conversions(3stap)

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tapset::ansi(3stap)													       tapset::ansi(3stap)

tapset::ansi - systemtap ansi tapset DESCRIPTION
ansi_clear_screen Move cursor to top left and clear screen. See function::ansi_clear_screen(3stap) for details. ansi_set_color Set the ansi Select Graphic Rendition mode. See function::ansi_set_color(3stap) for details. ansi_set_color2 Set the ansi Select Graphic Rendition mode. See function::ansi_set_color2(3stap) for details. ansi_set_color3 Set the ansi Select Graphic Rendition mode. See function::ansi_set_color3(3stap) for details. ansi_reset_color Resets Select Graphic Rendition mode. See function::ansi_reset_color(3stap) for details. ansi_new_line Move cursor to new line. See function::ansi_new_line(3stap) for details. ansi_cursor_move Move cursor to new coordinates. See function::ansi_cursor_move(3stap) for details. ansi_cursor_hide Hides the cursor. See function::ansi_cursor_hide(3stap) for details. ansi_cursor_save Saves the cursor position. See function::ansi_cursor_save(3stap) for details. ansi_cursor_restore Restores a previously saved cursor position. See function::ansi_cursor_restore(3stap) for details. ansi_cursor_show Shows the cursor. See function::ansi_cursor_show(3stap) for details. SEE ALSO
function::ansi_clear_screen(3stap), function::ansi_set_color(3stap), function::ansi_set_color2(3stap), function::ansi_set_color3(3stap), function::ansi_reset_color(3stap), function::ansi_new_line(3stap), function::ansi_cursor_move(3stap), function::ansi_cursor_hide(3stap), function::ansi_cursor_save(3stap), function::ansi_cursor_restore(3stap), function::ansi_cursor_show(3stap), stap(1), stapprobes(3stap) IBM
--- tapset::ansi(3stap)
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