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get_filename(3alleg4) [centos man page]

get_filename(3alleg4)						  Allegro manual					     get_filename(3alleg4)

get_filename - Returns a pointer to the filename portion of a path. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> char *get_filename(const char *path); DESCRIPTION
Finds out the filename portion of a completely specified file path. Both `' and `/' are recognized as directory separators under DOS and Windows. However, only `/' is recognized as directory separator under other platforms. Example: get_executable_name(name, sizeof(name)); allegro_message("Running `%s' ", get_filename(name)); Note that Allegro won't perform any IO operations during the verification. This means that if you have `/a/path/like/this/', which doesn't have a filename, the function will return a pointer to the trailing null character. However, if you have `/a/path/like/this', Allegro will return a pointer to `this', even if it is a valid directory. RETURN VALUE
Returns a pointer to the portion of `path' where the filename starts, or the beginning of `path' if no valid filename is found (eg. you are processing a path with backslashes under Unix). SEE ALSO
get_extension(3alleg4), put_backslash(3alleg4), replace_filename(3alleg4), exmidi(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 get_filename(3alleg4)

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get_filename(3alleg4)						  Allegro manual					     get_filename(3alleg4)

get_filename - Returns a pointer to the filename portion of a path. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> char *get_filename(const char *path); DESCRIPTION
Finds out the filename portion of a completely specified file path. Both `' and `/' are recognized as directory separators under DOS and Windows. However, only `/' is recognized as directory separator under other platforms. Example: get_executable_name(name, sizeof(name)); allegro_message("Running `%s' ", get_filename(name)); Note that Allegro won't perform any IO operations during the verification. This means that if you have `/a/path/like/this/', which doesn't have a filename, the function will return a pointer to the trailing null character. However, if you have `/a/path/like/this', Allegro will return a pointer to `this', even if it is a valid directory. RETURN VALUE
Returns a pointer to the portion of `path' where the filename starts, or the beginning of `path' if no valid filename is found (eg. you are processing a path with backslashes under Unix). SEE ALSO
get_extension(3alleg4), put_backslash(3alleg4), replace_filename(3alleg4), exmidi(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 get_filename(3alleg4)
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