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zip_source_file(3) [centos man page]

ZIP_SOURCE_FILE(3)					     Library Functions Manual						ZIP_SOURCE_FILE(3)

zip_source_file - create data source from a file LIBRARY
libzip (-lzip) SYNOPSIS
struct zip_source * zip_source_file(struct zip *archive, const char *fname); "zip_uint64_t start" "zip_int64_t len" DESCRIPTION
The function zip_source_file creates a zip source from a file. zip_source_file opens fname and reads len bytes from offset start from it. If len is 0 or -1, the whole file (starting from start ) is used. The fie is opened and read when the data from the source is used, usually by zip_close. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, the created source is returned. Otherwise, NULL is returned and the error code in archive is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
zip_source_file fails if: [ZIP_ER_INVAL] fname, start, or len are invalid. [ZIP_ER_MEMORY] Required memory could not be allocated. [ZIP_ER_OPEN] Opening fname failed. SEE ALSO
libzip(3), zip_add(3), zip_replace(3), zip_source_buffer(3), zip_source_filep(3), zip_source_free(3), zip_source_function(3), zip_source_zip(3) AUTHORS
Dieter Baron <> and Thomas Klausner <> NiH August 1, 2008 ZIP_SOURCE_FILE(3)

Check Out this Related Man Page

ZIP_ADD(3)						     Library Functions Manual							ZIP_ADD(3)

zip_add , - .Nm zip_replace add file to zip archive or replace file in zip archive LIBRARY
libzip (-lzip) SYNOPSIS
#include <zip.h> zip_int64_t zip_add(struct zip *archive, const char *name); "struct zip_source *source" int zip_replace(struct zip *archive, zip_uint64_t index); "struct zip_source *source" DESCRIPTION
The function zip_add adds a file to a zip archive, while zip_replace replaces an existing file in a zip archive. The argument archive specifies the zip archive to which the file should be added. name is the file's name in the zip archive (for zip_add ), while index speci- fies which file should be replaced (for zip_replace ). The data is obtained from the source argument. See the zip_source_* functions cited in SEE ALSO. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, zip_add returns the index of the new file in the archive, and zip_replace returns 0. Otherwise, -1 is returned and the error code in archive is set to indicate the error. EXAMPLES
struct zip_source *s; if ((s=zip_source_buffer(archive, buffer, len)) == NULL || zip_add(archive, name, s) 0) { zip_source_free(s); printf("error adding file: %s0, zip_strerror(archive)); } ERRORS
zip_add and zip_replace fail if: [ZIP_ER_EXISTS] There is already a file called name in the archive. (Only applies to zip_add ). [ZIP_ER_INVAL] source or name are NULL, or index is invalid. [ZIP_ER_MEMORY] Required memory could not be allocated. SEE ALSO
libzip(3), zip_source_file(3), zip_source_filep(3), zip_source_function(3), zip_source_zip(3) AUTHORS
Dieter Baron <> and Thomas Klausner <> NiH March 10, 2009 ZIP_ADD(3)
Man Page

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