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zip_fopen_index(3) [centos man page]

ZIP_FOPEN(3)						     Library Functions Manual						      ZIP_FOPEN(3)

zip_fopen , - .Nm zip_fopen_index open file in zip archive for reading LIBRARY
libzip (-lzip) SYNOPSIS
#include <zip.h> struct zip_file * zip_fopen(struct zip *archive, const char *fname, int flags); struct zip_file * zip_fopen_index(struct zip *archive, zip_uint64_t index, int flags); DESCRIPTION
The zip_fopen function opens the file name fname in archive. The flags argument specifies how the name lookup should be done, according to the values are described in zip_name_locate(3). Also, the following values may be or'ed to it. ZIP_FL_COMPRESSED Read the compressed data. Otherwise the data is uncompressed by zip_fread. ZIP_FL_UNCHANGED Read the original data from the zip archive, ignoring any changes made to the file. The zip_fopen_index function opens the file at position index. If encrypted data is encountered, the functions call zip_fopen_encrypted(3) or zip_fopen_index_encrypted(3) respectively, using the default password set with zip_set_default_password(3). RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, a struct zip_file pointer is returned. Otherwise, NULL is returned and the error code in archive is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
[ZIP_ER_CHANGED] The file data has been changed. [ZIP_ER_COMPNOTSUPP] The compression method used is not supported. [ZIP_ER_ENCRNOTSUPP] The encryption method used is not supported. [ZIP_ER_MEMORY] Required memory could not be allocated. [ZIP_ER_READ] A file read error occurred. [ZIP_ER_SEEK] A file seek error occurred. [ZIP_ER_ZLIB] Initializing the zlib stream failed. The function zip_fopen may also fail and set for any of the errors specified for the routine zip_name_locate(3). The function zip_fopen_index may also fail with ZIP_ER_INVAL if index is invalid. SEE ALSO
libzip(3), zip_fclose(3), zip_fread(3), zip_get_num_entries(3), zip_name_locate(3), zip_set_default_password(3) AUTHORS
Dieter Baron <> and Thomas Klausner <> NiH February 14, 2011 ZIP_FOPEN(3)

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ZIP_STAT(3)						     Library Functions Manual						       ZIP_STAT(3)

zip_stat , - .Nm zip_stat_index get information about file LIBRARY
libzip (-lzip) SYNOPSIS
#include <zip.h> int zip_stat(struct zip *archive, const char *fname, int flags, struct zip_stat *sb); int zip_stat_index(struct zip *archive, int index, int flags, struct zip_stat *sb); DESCRIPTION
The zip_stat function obtains information about the file named fname in archive. The flags argument specifies how the name lookup should be done. Its values are described in zip_name_locate(3). Also, ZIP_FL_UNCHANGED may be or'ed to it to request information about the orig- inal file in the archive, ignoring any changes made. The zip_stat_index function obtains information about the file at position index. The sb argument is a pointer to a struct zip_stat (shown below), into which information about the file is placed. struct zip_stat { zip_uint64_t valid; /* which fields have valid values */ const char *name; /* name of the file */ zip_uint64_t index; /* index within archive */ zip_uint64_t size; /* size of file (uncompressed) */ zip_uint64_t comp_size; /* size of file (compressed) */ time_t mtime; /* modification time */ zip_uint32_t crc; /* crc of file data */ zip_uint16_t comp_method; /* compression method used */ zip_uint16_t encryption_method; /* encryption method used */ zip_uint32_t flags; /* reserved for future use */ }; The structure pointed to by sb must be allocated before calling zip_stat or zip_stat_index. The valid field of the structure specifies which other fields are valid. Check if the flag defined by the following defines are in valid before accessing the fields: ZIP_STAT_NAME name ZIP_STAT_INDEX index ZIP_STAT_SIZE size ZIP_STAT_COMP_SIZE comp_size ZIP_STAT_MTIME mtime ZIP_STAT_CRC crc ZIP_STAT_COMP_METHOD comp_method ZIP_STAT_ENCRYPTION_METHOD encryption_method ZIP_STAT_FLAGS flags RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion 0 is returned. Otherwise, -1 is returned and the error information in archive is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
The function zip_stat can fail for any of the errors specified for the routine zip_name_locate(3). The function zip_stat_index fails and sets the error information to ZIP_ER_INVAL if index is invalid. If ZIP_FL_UNCHANGED is not set and no information can be obtained from the source callback, the error information is set to ZIP_ER_CHANGED. SEE ALSO
libzip(3), zip_get_num_entries(3), zip_name_locate(3), zip_stat_init(3) AUTHORS
Dieter Baron <> and Thomas Klausner <> NiH February 14, 2011 ZIP_STAT(3)
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