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xml::handler::builddom(3) [centos man page]

XML::Handler::BuildDOM(3)				User Contributed Perl Documentation				 XML::Handler::BuildDOM(3)

XML::Handler::BuildDOM - PerlSAX handler that creates XML::DOM document structures SYNOPSIS
use XML::Handler::BuildDOM; use XML::Parser::PerlSAX; my $handler = new XML::Handler::BuildDOM (KeepCDATA => 1); my $parser = new XML::Parser::PerlSAX (Handler => $handler); my $doc = $parser->parsefile ("file.xml"); DESCRIPTION
XML::Handler::BuildDOM creates XML::DOM document structures (i.e. XML::DOM::Document) from PerlSAX events. This class used to be called XML::PerlSAX::DOM prior to libxml-enno 1.0.1. CONSTRUCTOR OPTIONS The XML::Handler::BuildDOM constructor supports the following options: o KeepCDATA => 1 If set to 0 (default), CDATASections will be converted to regular text. o Document => $doc If undefined, start_document will extract it from Element or DocType (if set), otherwise it will create a new XML::DOM::Document. o Element => $elem If undefined, it is set to Document. This will be the insertion point (or parent) for the nodes defined by the following callbacks. o DocType => $doctype If undefined, start_document will extract it from Document (if possible). Otherwise it adds a new XML::DOM::DocumentType to the Document. perl v5.16.3 2000-02-11 XML::Handler::BuildDOM(3)

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XML::Filter::SAXT(3)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				      XML::Filter::SAXT(3)

XML::Filter::SAXT - Replicates SAX events to several SAX event handlers SYNOPSIS
$saxt = new XML::Filter::SAXT ( { Handler => $out1 }, { DocumentHandler => $out2 }, { DTDHandler => $out3, Handler => $out4 } ); $perlsax = new XML::Parser::PerlSAX ( Handler => $saxt ); $perlsax->parse ( [OPTIONS] ); DESCRIPTION
SAXT is like the Unix 'tee' command in that it multiplexes the input stream to several output streams. In this case, the input stream is a PerlSAX event producer (like XML::Parser::PerlSAX) and the output streams are PerlSAX handlers or filters. The SAXT constructor takes a list of hash references. Each hash specifies an output handler. The hash keys can be: DocumentHandler, DTDHan- dler, EntityResolver or Handler, where Handler is a combination of the previous three and acts as the default handler. E.g. if Documen- tHandler is not specified, it will try to use Handler. EXAMPLE In this example we use XML::Parser::PerlSAX to parse an XML file and to invoke the PerlSAX callbacks of our SAXT object. The SAXT object then forwards the callbacks to XML::Checker, which will 'die' if it encounters an error, and to XML::Hqandler::BuildDOM, which will store the XML in an XML::DOM::Document. use XML::Parser::PerlSAX; use XML::Filter::SAXT; use XML::Handler::BuildDOM; use XML::Checker; my $checker = new XML::Checker; my $builder = new XML::Handler::BuildDOM (KeepCDATA => 1); my $tee = new XML::Filter::SAXT ( { Handler => $checker }, { Handler => $builder } ); my $parser = new XML::Parser::PerlSAX (Handler => $tee); eval { # This is how you set the error handler for XML::Checker local $XML::Checker::FAIL = &my_fail; my $dom_document = $parser->parsefile ("file.xml"); ... your code here ... }; if ($@) { # Either XML::Parser::PerlSAX threw an exception (bad XML) # or XML::Checker found an error and my_fail died. ... your error handling code here ... } # XML::Checker error handler sub my_fail { my $code = shift; die XML::Checker::error_string ($code, @_) if $code < 200; # warnings and info messages are >= 200 } CAVEATS
This is still alpha software. Package names and interfaces are subject to change. AUTHOR
Send bug reports, hints, tips, suggestions to Enno Derksen at <>. perl v5.8.0 2000-02-11 XML::Filter::SAXT(3)
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