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XML::DOM::CharacterData(3)				User Contributed Perl Documentation				XML::DOM::CharacterData(3)

XML::DOM::CharacterData - Common interface for Text, CDATASections and Comments DESCRIPTION
XML::DOM::CharacterData extends XML::DOM::Node The CharacterData interface extends Node with a set of attributes and methods for accessing character data in the DOM. For clarity this set is defined here rather than on each object that uses these attributes and methods. No DOM objects correspond directly to CharacterData, though Text, Comment and CDATASection do inherit the interface from it. All offsets in this interface start from 0. METHODS getData and setData (data) The character data of the node that implements this interface. The DOM implementation may not put arbitrary limits on the amount of data that may be stored in a CharacterData node. However, implementation limits may mean that the entirety of a node's data may not fit into a single DOMString. In such cases, the user may call substringData to retrieve the data in appropriately sized pieces. getLength The number of characters that are available through data and the substringData method below. This may have the value zero, i.e., CharacterData nodes may be empty. substringData (offset, count) Extracts a range of data from the node. Parameters: offset Start offset of substring to extract. count The number of characters to extract. Return Value: The specified substring. If the sum of offset and count exceeds the length, then all characters to the end of the data are returned. appendData (str) Appends the string to the end of the character data of the node. Upon success, data provides access to the concatenation of data and the DOMString specified. insertData (offset, arg) Inserts a string at the specified character offset. Parameters: offset The character offset at which to insert. arg The DOMString to insert. deleteData (offset, count) Removes a range of characters from the node. Upon success, data and length reflect the change. If the sum of offset and count exceeds length then all characters from offset to the end of the data are deleted. Parameters: offset The offset from which to remove characters. count The number of characters to delete. replaceData (offset, count, arg) Replaces the characters starting at the specified character offset with the specified string. Parameters: offset The offset from which to start replacing. count The number of characters to replace. arg The DOMString with which the range must be replaced. If the sum of offset and count exceeds length, then all characters to the end of the data are replaced (i.e., the effect is the same as a remove method call with the same range, followed by an append method invocation). perl v5.16.3 2000-01-31 XML::DOM::CharacterData(3)

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XML::LibXML::Text(3)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				      XML::LibXML::Text(3)

XML::LibXML::Text - XML::LibXML Class for Text Nodes SYNOPSIS
use XML::LibXML; # Only methods specific to Text nodes are listed here, # see XML::LibXML::Node manpage for other methods $text = XML::LibXML::Text->new( $content ); $nodedata = $text->data; $text->setData( $text_content ); $text->substringData($offset, $length); $text->appendData( $somedata ); $text->insertData($offset, $string); $text->deleteData($offset, $length); $text->deleteDataString($remstring, $all); $text->replaceData($offset, $length, $string); $text->replaceDataString($old, $new, $flag); $text->replaceDataRegEx( $search_cond, $replace_cond, $reflags ); DESCRIPTION
Unlike the DOM specification, XML::LibXML implements the text node as the base class of all character data node. Therefore there exists no CharacterData class. This allows one to apply methods of text nodes also to Comments and CDATA-sections. METHODS
The class inherits from XML::LibXML::Node. The documentation for Inherited methods is not listed here. Many functions listed here are extensively documented in the DOM Level 3 specification ( <>). Please refer to the specification for extensive documentation. new $text = XML::LibXML::Text->new( $content ); The constructor of the class. It creates an unbound text node. data $nodedata = $text->data; Although there exists the "nodeValue" attribute in the Node class, the DOM specification defines data as a separate attribute. "XML::LibXML" implements these two attributes not as different attributes, but as aliases, such as "libxml2" does. Therefore $text->data; and $text->nodeValue; will have the same result and are not different entities. setData($string) $text->setData( $text_content ); This function sets or replaces text content to a node. The node has to be of the type "text", "cdata" or "comment". substringData($offset,$length) $text->substringData($offset, $length); Extracts a range of data from the node. (DOM Spec) This function takes the two parameters $offset and $length and returns the sub- string, if available. If the node contains no data or $offset refers to an non-existing string index, this function will return undef. If $length is out of range "substringData" will return the data starting at $offset instead of causing an error. appendData($string) $text->appendData( $somedata ); Appends a string to the end of the existing data. If the current text node contains no data, this function has the same effect as "setData". insertData($offset,$string) $text->insertData($offset, $string); Inserts the parameter $string at the given $offset of the existing data of the node. This operation will not remove existing data, but change the order of the existing data. The $offset has to be a positive value. If $offset is out of range, "insertData" will have the same behaviour as "appendData". deleteData($offset, $length) $text->deleteData($offset, $length); This method removes a chunk from the existing node data at the given offset. The $length parameter tells, how many characters should be removed from the string. deleteDataString($string, [$all]) $text->deleteDataString($remstring, $all); This method removes a chunk from the existing node data. Since the DOM spec is quite unhandy if you already know "which" string to remove from a text node, this method allows more perlish code :) The functions takes two parameters: $string and optional the $all flag. If $all is not set, undef or 0, "deleteDataString" will remove only the first occurrence of $string. If $all is TRUE"deleteDataString" will remove all occurrences of $string from the node data. replaceData($offset, $length, $string) $text->replaceData($offset, $length, $string); The DOM style version to replace node data. replaceDataString($oldstring, $newstring, [$all]) $text->replaceDataString($old, $new, $flag); The more programmer friendly version of replaceData() :) Instead of giving offsets and length one can specify the exact string ($oldstring) to be replaced. Additionally the $all flag allows to replace all occurrences of $oldstring. replaceDataRegEx( $search_cond, $replace_cond, $reflags ) $text->replaceDataRegEx( $search_cond, $replace_cond, $reflags ); This method replaces the node's data by a "simple" regular expression. Optional, this function allows to pass some flags that will be added as flag to the replace statement. NOTE: This is a shortcut for my $datastr = $node->getData(); $datastr =~ s/somecond/replacement/g; # 'g' is just an example for any flag $node->setData( $datastr ); This function can make things easier to read for simple replacements. For more complex variants it is recommended to use the code snippet above. AUTHORS
Matt Sergeant, Christian Glahn, Petr Pajas VERSION
2001-2007, Ltd. 2002-2006, Christian Glahn. 2006-2009, Petr Pajas. perl v5.16.2 2012-10-22 XML::LibXML::Text(3)
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