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xmdropsiteregister(3) [centos man page]

XmDropSiteRegister(library call)										  XmDropSiteRegister(library call)

XmDropSiteRegister -- A Drag and Drop function that identifies a drop site and assigns resources that specify its behavior SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/DragDrop.h> void XmDropSiteRegister( Widget widget, ArgList arglist, Cardinal argcount); DESCRIPTION
XmDropSiteRegister identifies the specified widget or gadget as a drop site and sets resource values that define the drop site's behavior. The routine assigns default values to any resources that are not specified in the argument list. The toolkit generates a warning message if a drop site is registered with XmNdropSiteActivity set to XmDROP_SITE_ACTIVE and the XmNdropProc resource is NULL. If the drop site is a descendant of a widget that is registered as a drop site, the XmNdropSiteType resource of the ancestor drop site must be specified as XmDROP_SITE_COMPOSITE. The ancestor must be registered before the descendant. The drop site is stacked above all other sib- ling drop sites already registered. widget Specifies the ID of the widget to be registered. arglist Specifies the argument list. argcount Specifies the number of attribute/value pairs in the argument list (arglist). For a complete definition of DropSite and its associated resources, see XmDropSite(3). RELATED
XmDisplay(3), XmDropSite(3), XmDropSiteEndUpdate(3), XmDropSiteStartUpdate(3), XmDropSiteUpdate(3), XmDropSiteUnregister(3), and XmScreen(3). XmDropSiteRegister(library call)

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XmDropSiteRegister(3X)													    XmDropSiteRegister(3X)

XmDropSiteRegister - A Drag and Drop function that identifies a drop site and assigns resources that specify its behavior SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/DragDrop.h> void XmDropSiteRegister (widget, arglist, argcount) Widget widget; ArgList arglist; Cardinal argcount; DESCRIPTION
XmDropSiteRegister identifies the specified widget or gadget as a drop site and sets resource values that define the drop site's behavior. The routine assigns default values to any resources that are not specified in the argument list. The toolkit generates a warning message if a drop site is registered with XmNdropSiteActivity set to XmDROP_SITE_ACTIVE and the XmNdropProc resource is NULL. If the drop site is a descendant of a widget that is registered as a drop site, the XmNdropSiteType resource of the ancestor drop site must be specified as XmDROP_SITE_COMPOSITE. The ancestor must be registered before the descendant. The drop site is stacked above all other sibling drop sites already registered. Specifies the ID of the widget to be registered. Specifies the argument list. Specifies the num- ber of attribute/value pairs in the argument list (arglist). For a complete definition of DropSite and its associated resources, see XmDropSite(3X). SEE ALSO
XmDisplay(3X), XmDropSite(3X), XmDropSiteEndUpdate(3X), XmDropSiteStartUpdate(3X), XmDropSiteUpdate(3X), XmDropSiteUnregister(3X), XmScreen(3X) XmDropSiteRegister(3X)
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