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xkballocclientmap(3) [centos man page]

XkbAllocClientMap(3)						   XKB FUNCTIONS					      XkbAllocClientMap(3)

XkbAllocClientMap - Allocate and initialize an empty client map description record SYNOPSIS
Status XkbAllocClientMap (XkbDescPtr xkb, unsigned int which, unsigned int type_count); ARGUMENTS
- xkb keyboard description in which to allocate client map - which mask selecting map components to allocate - type_count value of num_types field in map to be allocated DESCRIPTION
Calling XkbGetMap should be sufficient for most applications to get client and server maps. As a result, most applications do not need to directly allocate client and server maps. If you change the number of key types or construct map components without loading the necessary components from the X server, do not allo- cate any map components directly using malloc or Xmalloc. Instead, use the Xkb allocators, XkbAllocClientMap, and XkbAllocServerMap. Similarly, use the Xkb destructors, XkbFreeClientMap, and XkbFreeServerMap instead of free or Xfree. XkbAllocClientMap allocates and initializes an empty client map in the map field of the keyboard description specified by xkb. The which parameter specifies the particular components of the client map structure to allocate and is a mask composed by a bitwise inclusive OR of one or more of the masks shown in Table 1. Table 1 XkbAllocClientMap Masks -------------------------------------------------------------- Mask Effect -------------------------------------------------------------- XkbKeyTypesMask The type_count field specifies the num- ber of entries to preallocate for the types field of the client map. If the type_count field is less than XkbNumRe- quiredTypes returns BadValue. XkbKeySymsMask The min_key_code and max_key_code fields of the xkb parameter are used to allo- cate the syms and key_sym_map fields of the client map. The fields are allocated to contain the maximum number of entries necessary for max_key_code - min_key_code + 1 keys. XkbModifierMapMask The min_key_code and max_key_code fields of the xkb parameter are used to allo- cate the modmap field of the client map. The field is allocated to contain the maximum number of entries necessary for max_key_code - min_key_code + 1 keys. NOTE: The min_key_code and max_key_code fields of the xkb parameter must be legal values if the XkbKeySymsMask or XkbModifierMapMask masks are set in the which parameter. If they are not valid, XkbAllocClientMap returns BadValue. If the client map of the keyboard description is not NULL, and any fields are already allocated in the client map, XkbAllocClientMap does not overwrite the existing values; it simply ignores that part of the request. The only exception is the types array. If type_count is greater than the current num_types field of the client map, XkbAllocClientMap resizes the types array and resets the num_types field accordingly. If XkbAllocClientMap is successful, it returns Success. Otherwise, it can return either BadMatch, BadAlloc, or BadValue errors. DIAGNOSTICS
BadAlloc Unable to allocate storage BadMatch A compatible version of Xkb was not available in the server or an argument has correct type and range, but is otherwise invalid BadValue An argument is out of range SEE ALSO
XkbAllocClientMap(3), XkbAllocServerMap(3), XkbFreeClientMap,(3), XkbFreeServerMap(3), XkbGetMap(3) X Version 11 libX11 1.6.0 XkbAllocClientMap(3)

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XkbFreeClientMap(3)						   XKB FUNCTIONS					       XkbFreeClientMap(3)

XkbFreeClientMap - Free memory used by the client map member of an XkbDescRec structure SYNOPSIS
void XkbFreeClientMap (XkbDescPtr xkb, unsigned int which, Bool free_all); ARGUMENTS
- xkb keyboard description containing client map to free - which mask identifying components of map to free - free_all True => free all client components and map itself DESCRIPTION
XkbFreeClientMap frees the components of client map specified by which in the XkbDescRec structure specified by the xkb parameter and sets the corresponding structure component values to NULL. The which parameter specifies a combination of the client map masks shown in Table 1. If free_all is True, which is ignored; XkbFreeClientMap frees every non-NULL structure component in the client map, frees the Xkb- ClientMapRec structure referenced by the map member of the xkb parameter, and sets the map member to NULL. Table 1 XkbAllocClientMap Masks -------------------------------------------------------------- Mask Effect -------------------------------------------------------------- XkbKeyTypesMask The type_count field specifies the num- ber of entries to preallocate for the types field of the client map. If the type_count field is less than XkbNumRe- quiredTypes returns BadValue. XkbKeySymsMask The min_key_code and max_key_code fields of the xkb parameter are used to allo- cate the syms and key_sym_map fields of the client map. The fields are allocated to contain the maximum number of entries necessary for max_key_code - min_key_code + 1 keys. XkbModifierMapMask The min_key_code and max_key_code fields of the xkb parameter are used to allo- cate the modmap field of the client map. The field is allocated to contain the maximum number of entries necessary for max_key_code - min_key_code + 1 keys. NOTE: The min_key_code and max_key_code fields of the xkb parameter must be legal values if the XkbKeySymsMask or XkbModifierMapMask masks are set in the which parameter. If they are not valid, XkbAllocClientMap returns BadValue. STRUCTURES
The complete description of an Xkb keyboard is given by an XkbDescRec. The component structures in the XkbDescRec represent the major Xkb components. typedef struct { struct _XDisplay * display; /* connection to X server */ unsigned short flags; /* private to Xkb, do not modify */ unsigned short device_spec; /* device of interest */ KeyCode min_key_code; /* minimum keycode for device */ KeyCode max_key_code; /* maximum keycode for device */ XkbControlsPtr ctrls; /* controls */ XkbServerMapPtr server; /* server keymap */ XkbClientMapPtr map; /* client keymap */ XkbIndicatorPtr indicators; /* indicator map */ XkbNamesPtr names; /* names for all components */ XkbCompatMapPtr compat; /* compatibility map */ XkbGeometryPtr geom; /* physical geometry of keyboard */ } XkbDescRec, *XkbDescPtr; The display field points to an X display structure. The flags field is private to the library: modifying flags may yield unpredictable results. The device_spec field specifies the device identifier of the keyboard input device, or XkbUseCoreKeyboard, which specifies the core keyboard device. The min_key_code and max_key_code fields specify the least and greatest keycode that can be returned by the keyboard. Each structure component has a corresponding mask bit that is used in function calls to indicate that the structure should be manipulated in some manner, such as allocating it or freeing it. These masks and their relationships to the fields in the XkbDescRec are shown in Table 2. Table 2 Mask Bits for XkbDescRec -------------------------------------------------- Mask Bit XkbDescRec Field Value -------------------------------------------------- XkbControlsMask ctrls (1L<<0) XkbServerMapMask server (1L<<1) XkbIClientMapMask map (1L<<2) XkbIndicatorMapMask indicators (1L<<3) XkbNamesMask names (1L<<4) XkbCompatMapMask compat (1L<<5) XkbGeometryMask geom (1L<<6) XkbAllComponentsMask All Fields (0x7f) The map field of the complete Xkb keyboard description is a pointer to the Xkb client map, which is of type XkbClientMapRec: typedef struct { /* Client Map */ unsigned char size_types; /* # occupied entries in types */ unsigned char num_types; /* # entries in types */ XkbKeyTypePtr types; /* vector of key types used by this keymap */ unsigned short size_syms; /* length of the syms array */ unsigned short num_syms; /* # entries in syms */ KeySym * syms; /* linear 2d tables of keysyms, 1 per key */ XkbSymMapPtr key_sym_map; /* 1 per keycode, maps keycode to syms */ unsigned char * modmap; /* 1 per keycode, real mods bound to key */ } XkbClientMapRec, *XkbClientMapPtr; DIAGNOSTICS
BadValue An argument is out of range SEE ALSO
XkbAllocClientMap(3) X Version 11 libX11 1.5.0 XkbFreeClientMap(3)
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