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xdbegetvisualinfo(3) [centos man page]

XdbeGetVisualInfo(3)						    X FUNCTIONS 					      XdbeGetVisualInfo(3)

XdbeGetVisualInfo - Get dbe Visual Informations SYNOPSIS
#include <X11/extensions/Xdbe.h> XdbeScreenVisualInfo *XdbeGetVisualInfo( Display *dpy, Drawable *screen_specifiers, int *num_screens) DESCRIPTION
This function returns information about which visuals support double buffering. The argument num_screens specifies how many elements there are in the screen_specifiers list. Each drawable in screen_specifiers designates a screen for which the supported visuals are being requested. If num_screens is zero, information for all screens is requested. In this case, upon return from this function, num_screens will be set to the number of screens that were found. If an error occurs, this function returns NULL, else it returns a pointer to a list of XdbeScreenVisualInfo structures of length num_screens. The nth element in the returned list corresponds to the nth drawable in the screen_specifiers list, unless num_screens was passed in with the value zero, in which case the nth element in the returned list corre- sponds to the nth screen of the server, starting with screen zero. The XdbeScreenVisualInfo structure has the following fields: int count XdbeVisualInfo *visinfo count specifies the number of items in visinfo. visinfo specifies a list of visuals, depths, and performance hints for this screen. The XdbeVisualInfo structure has the following fields: VisualID visual int depth int perflevel visual specifies one visual ID that supports double-buffering. depth specifies the depth of the visual. perflevel is a performance hint. The only operation defined on a perflevel is comparison to a perflevel of another visual on the same screen. The visual having the higher perflevel is likely to have better double-buffering graphics performance than the visual having the lower perflevel. Nothing can be deduced from the following: the magnitude of the difference of two perflevels, a perflevel value in isolation, or comparing perflevels from different servers. ERRORS
BadDrawable One or more values passed in screen_specifiers is not a valid drawable. SEE ALSO
DBE, XdbeAllocateBackBufferName(), XdbeBeginIdiom(), XdbeDeallocateBackBufferName(), XdbeEndIdiom(), XdbeFreeVisualInfo(), XdbeGetBack- BufferAttributes(), XdbeQueryExtension(), XdbeSwapBuffers(). X Version 11 libXext 1.3.2 XdbeGetVisualInfo(3)

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XdbeSwapBuffers(3)						    X FUNCTIONS 						XdbeSwapBuffers(3)

XdbeSwapBuffers - swaps front and back DBE buffers. SYNOPSIS
#include <X11/extensions/Xdbe.h> Status XdbeSwapBuffers( Display *dpy, XdbeSwapInfo *swap_info, int num_windows) DESCRIPTION
This function swaps the front and back buffers for a list of windows. The argument num_windows specifies how many windows are to have their buffers swapped; it is the number of elements in the swap_info array. The argument swap_info specifies the information needed per window to do the swap. The XdbeSwapInfo structure has the following fields: Window swap_window XdbeSwapAction swap_action swap_window specifies the window for which to swap buffers. swap_action specifies the swap action to use for this swap_window. swap_action determines what will happen to the new back buffer of the swap_window it is paired with in the list in addition to making the old back buffer become visible. The defined actions are as follows: XdbeUndefined The contents of the new back buffer become undefined. This may be the most efficient action since it allows the implementation to discard the contents of the buffer if it needs to. XdbeBackground The unobscured region of the new back buffer will be tiled with the window background. The background action allows devices to use a fast clear capability during a swap. XdbeUntouched The unobscured region of the new back buffer will be unmodified by the swap. XdbeCopied The unobscured region of the new back buffer will be the contents of the old back buffer ERRORS
BadMatch A non-double-buffered window was specified or a window was specified twice. BadWindow An invalid window was specified. BadValue An invalid swap action was specified. SEE ALSO
DBE, XdbeAllocateBackBufferName(), XdbeBeginIdiom(), XdbeDeallocateBackBufferName(), XdbeEndIdiom(), XdbeFreeVisualInfo(), XdbeGetBack- BufferAttributes(), XdbeGetVisualInfo(), XdbeQueryExtension(). X Version 11 libXext 1.3.1 XdbeSwapBuffers(3)
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