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xcb_circulate_window(3) [centos man page]

xcb_circulate_window(3) 					   XCB Requests 					   xcb_circulate_window(3)

xcb_circulate_window - Change window stacking order SYNOPSIS
#include <xcb/xproto.h> Request function xcb_void_cookie_t xcb_circulate_window(xcb_connection_t *conn, uint8_t direction, xcb_window_t window); REQUEST ARGUMENTS
conn The XCB connection to X11. direction One of the following values: XCB_CIRCULATE_RAISE_LOWEST TODO: NOT YET DOCUMENTED. XCB_CIRCULATE_LOWER_HIGHEST TODO: NOT YET DOCUMENTED. window The window to raise/lower (depending on direction). DESCRIPTION
If direction is XCB_CIRCULATE_RAISE_LOWEST, the lowest mapped child (if any) will be raised to the top of the stack. If direction is XCB_CIRCULATE_LOWER_HIGHEST, the highest mapped child will be lowered to the bottom of the stack. RETURN VALUE
Returns an xcb_void_cookie_t. Errors (if any) have to be handled in the event loop. If you want to handle errors directly with xcb_request_check instead, use xcb_circulate_window_checked. See xcb-requests(3) for details. ERRORS
xcb_window_error_t The specified window does not exist. xcb_value_error_t The specified direction is invalid. SEE ALSO
xcb-requests(3) AUTHOR
Generated from xproto.xml. Contact for corrections and improvements. XCB
2014-06-10 xcb_circulate_window(3)

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xcb_circulate_window(3) 					   XCB Requests 					   xcb_circulate_window(3)

xcb_circulate_window - Change window stacking order SYNOPSIS
#include <xcb/xproto.h> Request function xcb_void_cookie_t xcb_circulate_window(xcb_connection_t *conn, uint8_t direction, xcb_window_t window); REQUEST ARGUMENTS
conn The XCB connection to X11. direction One of the following values: XCB_CIRCULATE_RAISE_LOWEST TODO: NOT YET DOCUMENTED. XCB_CIRCULATE_LOWER_HIGHEST TODO: NOT YET DOCUMENTED. window The window to raise/lower (depending on direction). DESCRIPTION
If direction is XCB_CIRCULATE_RAISE_LOWEST, the lowest mapped child (if any) will be raised to the top of the stack. If direction is XCB_CIRCULATE_LOWER_HIGHEST, the highest mapped child will be lowered to the bottom of the stack. RETURN VALUE
Returns an xcb_void_cookie_t. Errors (if any) have to be handled in the event loop. If you want to handle errors directly with xcb_request_check instead, use xcb_circulate_window_checked. See xcb-requests(3) for details. ERRORS
xcb_window_error_t The specified window does not exist. xcb_value_error_t The specified direction is invalid. SEE ALSO
xcb-requests(3) AUTHOR
Generated from xproto.xml. Contact for corrections and improvements. XCB
2014-06-10 xcb_circulate_window(3)
Man Page