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wcschr(3) [centos man page]

WCSCHR(3)						     Linux Programmer's Manual							 WCSCHR(3)

wcschr - search a wide character in a wide-character string SYNOPSIS
#include <wchar.h> wchar_t *wcschr(const wchar_t *wcs, wchar_t wc); DESCRIPTION
The wcschr() function is the wide-character equivalent of the strchr(3) function. It searches the first occurrence of wc in the wide-char- acter string pointed to by wcs. RETURN VALUE
The wcschr() function returns a pointer to the first occurrence of wc in the wide-character string pointed to by wcs, or NULL if wc does not occur in the string. CONFORMING TO
strchr(3), wcspbrk(3), wcsrchr(3), wcsstr(3), wmemchr(3) COLOPHON
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1999-07-25 WCSCHR(3)
Man Page