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tspi_context_loadkeybyblob(3) [centos man page]

Tspi_Context_LoadKeyByBlob(3)				     Library Functions Manual				     Tspi_Context_LoadKeyByBlob(3)

						     TCG Software Stack Developers Reference

Tspi_Context_LoadKeyByBlob - load a key into the TPM using the key's blob. SYNOPSIS
#include <tss/platform.h> #include <tss/tcpa_defines.h> #include <tss/tcpa_typedef.h> #include <tss/tcpa_struct.h> #include <tss/tss_typedef.h> #include <tss/tss_structs.h> #include <tss/tspi.h> TSS_RESULT Tspi_Context_LoadKeyByBlob(TSS_HCONTEXT hContext, TSS_HKEY hUnwrappingKey, UINT32 ulBlobLength, BYTE* rgbBlobData, TSS_HKEY* phKey); DESCRIPTION
Tspi_Context_LoadKeyByBlob creates a key based on the information gotten by the key blob. It then loads the key into the TPM, which unwraps the key blob by using the key associated with hUnwrappingKey. The key blob addressed by hUnwrappingKey must have been already loaded into the TPM. This function returns a handle to the created key object. PARAMETERS
hContext The hContext parameter is the handle of the context object. hUnwrappingKey The hUnwrappingKey parameter is the handle of the key object which should be used to unwrap the key information associated with rgbBlobDa- ta. rgbBlobData The rgbBlobData parameter is the wrapped key to load. phKey The phKey parameter receives the handle of the key object representing the loaded key. RETURN CODES
Tspi_Context_LoadKeyByBlob returns TSS_SUCCESS on success, otherwise one of the following values is returned: TSS_E_INVALID_HANDLE hContext is not a valid handle. TSS_E_INTERNAL_ERROR An internal SW error has been detected. TSS_E_BAD_PARAMETER One or more parameters is bad. CONFORMING TO
Tspi_Context_LoadKeyByBlob conforms to the Trusted Computing Group Software Specification version 1.1 Golden SEE ALSO
Tspi_Context_LoadKeyByUUID(3), Tspi_Policy_SetSecret(3), Tspi_GetPolicyObject(3), Tspi_Key_CreateKey(3), Tspi_GetAttribUint32(3). TSS 1.1 2004-05-25 Tspi_Context_LoadKeyByBlob(3)

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Tspi_Context_GetKeyByPublicInfo(3)		     TCG Software Stack Developer's Reference			Tspi_Context_GetKeyByPublicInfo(3)

Tspi_Context_GetKeyByPublicInfo - search the persistent storage for a registered key using the provided public key information SYNOPSIS
#include <tss/platform.h> #include <tss/tcpa_defines.h> #include <tss/tcpa_typedef.h> #include <tss/tcpa_struct.h> #include <tss/tss_typedef.h> #include <tss/tss_structs.h> #include <tss/tspi.h> TSS_RESULT Tspi_Context_GetKeyByPublicInfo(TSS_HCONTEXT hContext, TSS_FLAG persistentStorageType, TSS_ALGORITHM_ID algID, UINT32 ulPublicInfoLength, BYTE* rgbPublicInfo, TSS_HKEY* phKey); DESCRIPTION
TSS_Context_GetKeyByPublicInfo searches the persistent storage for a registered key using the provided public key information and creates a key object initalized according to the found data. On successful completion of the method a handle to the created new key object is re- turned. PARAMETERS
hContext The handle of the context object. persistentStorageType Flag indicating the persistent storage the key is registered in. algId This parameter indicates the algorithm of the requested key. ulPublicInfoLength The length of the public key info provided at the parameter rgbPublicInfo. rgbPublicInfo The public key info is provided to identify the key to be look for at the persistent storage. In case algID equals to TSS_ALG_RSA this prameter contains the modulus of the public RSA key. hKey Recieves the handle of the key object representing the key. In case the key hasn't been found, this value will be NULL. RETURN CODES
Tspi_Context_GetKeyByPublicInfo returns TSS_SUCCESS on success, otherwise one of the following values are returned: TSS_E_INVALID_HANDLE - hContext is an invalid handle. TSS_E_INTERNAL_ERROR - An error occurred internal to the TSS. CONFORMING TO
Tspi_Context_GetKeyByPublicInfo conforms to the Trusted Computing Group Software Specification version 1.1 Golden SEE ALSO
Tspi_Context_LoadKeyByUUID(3). TSS 1.1 2004-05-26 Tspi_Context_GetKeyByPublicInfo(3)
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