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tld_check_4t(3) [centos man page]

tld_check_4t(3) 						      libidn							   tld_check_4t(3)

tld_check_4t - API function SYNOPSIS
#include <tld.h> int tld_check_4t(const uint32_t * in, size_t inlen, size_t * errpos, const Tld_table * tld); ARGUMENTS
const uint32_t * in Array of unicode code points to process. Does not need to be zero terminated. size_t inlen Number of unicode code points. size_t * errpos Position of offending character is returned here. const Tld_table * tld A Tld_table data structure representing the restrictions for which the input should be tested. DESCRIPTION
Test each of the code points in in for whether or not they are allowed by the data structure in tld, return the position of the first char- acter for which this is not the case in errpos. RETURN VALUE
Returns the Tld_rc value TLD_SUCCESS if all code points are valid or when tld is null, TLD_INVALID if a character is not allowed, or addi- tional error codes on general failure conditions. REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to <>. GNU Libidn home page: General help using GNU software: COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2002-2013 Simon Josefsson. Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. SEE ALSO
The full documentation for libidn is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and libidn programs are properly installed at your site, the command info libidn should give you access to the complete manual. libidn 1.28 tld_check_4t(3)

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tld_check_4tz(3)						      libidn							  tld_check_4tz(3)

tld_check_4tz - API function SYNOPSIS
#include <tld.h> int tld_check_4tz(const uint32_t * in, size_t * errpos, const Tld_table * tld); ARGUMENTS
const uint32_t * in Zero terminated array of unicode code points to process. size_t * errpos Position of offending character is returned here. const Tld_table * tld A Tld_table data structure representing the restrictions for which the input should be tested. DESCRIPTION
Test each of the code points in in for whether or not they are allowed by the data structure in tld, return the position of the first char- acter for which this is not the case in errpos. RETURN VALUE
Returns the Tld_rc value TLD_SUCCESS if all code points are valid or when tld is null, TLD_INVALID if a character is not allowed, or addi- tional error codes on general failure conditions. REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to <>. GNU Libidn home page: General help using GNU software: COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Simon Josefsson. Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. SEE ALSO
The full documentation for libidn is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and libidn programs are properly installed at your site, the command info libidn should give you access to the complete manual. libidn 1.25 tld_check_4tz(3)
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