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tdb(3) [centos man page]

TDB(3)                                                       Linux Programmer's Manual                                                      TDB(3)

tdb - trivial database SYNOPSIS
A database similar to gdbm which allows multiple simultaneous writers. DESCRIPTION
This is a simple database API. It was inspired by the realisation that in Samba we have several ad-hoc bits of code that essentially imple- ment small databases for sharing structures between parts of Samba. As I was about to add another I realised that a generic database module was called for to replace all the ad-hoc bits. I based the interface on gdbm. I couldn't use gdbm as we need to be able to have multiple writers to the databases at one time. AUTHORS
Software: Andrew Tridgell <> and Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton Man page: Ben Woodard <> SEE ALSO
gdbm(3), tdb_open(3), tdb_close(3), tdb_delete(3), tdb_error(3), tdb_exists(3), tdb_fetch(3), tdb_firstkey(3), tdb_store(3), tdb_tra- verse(3), tdb_lockall(3), tdb_lockkeys(3), tdb_chainlock(3) Samba Aug 16, 2000 TDB(3)

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TDB(3)							     Linux Programmer's Manual							    TDB(3)

tdb - trivial database SYNOPSIS
A database similar to gdbm which allows multiple simultaneous writers. DESCRIPTION
This is a simple database API. It was inspired by the realisation that in Samba we have several ad-hoc bits of code that essentially imple- ment small databases for sharing structures between parts of Samba. As I was about to add another I realised that a generic database module was called for to replace all the ad-hoc bits. I based the interface on gdbm. I couldn't use gdbm as we need to be able to have multiple writers to the databases at one time. AUTHORS
Software: Andrew Tridgell <> and Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton Man page: Ben Woodard <> SEE ALSO
gdbm(3), tdb_open(3), tdb_close(3), tdb_delete(3), tdb_error(3), tdb_exists(3), tdb_fetch(3), tdb_firstkey(3), tdb_store(3), tdb_tra- verse(3), tdb_lockall(3), tdb_lockkeys(3), tdb_chainlock(3) Samba Aug 16, 2000 TDB(3)
Man Page

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