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tap::parser::result::plan(3) [centos man page]

TAP::Parser::Result::Plan(3)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			      TAP::Parser::Result::Plan(3)

TAP::Parser::Result::Plan - Plan result token. VERSION
Version 3.28 DESCRIPTION
This is a subclass of TAP::Parser::Result. A token of this class will be returned if a plan line is encountered. 1..1 ok 1 - woo hooo! 1..1 is the plan. Gotta have a plan. OVERRIDDEN METHODS
Mainly listed here to shut up the pitiful screams of the pod coverage tests. They keep me awake at night. o "as_string" o "raw" Instance Methods "plan" if ( $result->is_plan ) { print $result->plan; } This is merely a synonym for "as_string". "tests_planned" my $planned = $result->tests_planned; Returns the number of tests planned. For example, a plan of 1..17 will cause this method to return '17'. "directive" my $directive = $plan->directive; If a SKIP directive is included with the plan, this method will return it. 1..0 # SKIP: why bother? "has_skip" if ( $result->has_skip ) { ... } Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not this test has a SKIP directive. "explanation" my $explanation = $plan->explanation; If a SKIP directive was included with the plan, this method will return the explanation, if any. "todo_list" my $todo = $result->todo_list; for ( @$todo ) { ... } perl v5.16.3 2013-05-02 TAP::Parser::Result::Plan(3)

Check Out this Related Man Page

TAP::Parser::Result::Plan(3pm)				 Perl Programmers Reference Guide			    TAP::Parser::Result::Plan(3pm)

TAP::Parser::Result::Plan - Plan result token. VERSION
Version 3.26 DESCRIPTION
This is a subclass of TAP::Parser::Result. A token of this class will be returned if a plan line is encountered. 1..1 ok 1 - woo hooo! 1..1 is the plan. Gotta have a plan. OVERRIDDEN METHODS
Mainly listed here to shut up the pitiful screams of the pod coverage tests. They keep me awake at night. o "as_string" o "raw" Instance Methods "plan" if ( $result->is_plan ) { print $result->plan; } This is merely a synonym for "as_string". "tests_planned" my $planned = $result->tests_planned; Returns the number of tests planned. For example, a plan of 1..17 will cause this method to return '17'. "directive" my $directive = $plan->directive; If a SKIP directive is included with the plan, this method will return it. 1..0 # SKIP: why bother? "has_skip" if ( $result->has_skip ) { ... } Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not this test has a SKIP directive. "explanation" my $explanation = $plan->explanation; If a SKIP directive was included with the plan, this method will return the explanation, if any. "todo_list" my $todo = $result->todo_list; for ( @$todo ) { ... } perl v5.18.2 2014-01-06 TAP::Parser::Result::Plan(3pm)
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