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std::underlying_type(3) [centos man page]

std::underlying_type< _Tp >(3)				     Library Functions Manual				    std::underlying_type< _Tp >(3)

std::underlying_type< _Tp > - SYNOPSIS
Public Member Functions typedef __underlying_type (_Tp) type Detailed Description template<typename _Tp>struct std::underlying_type< _Tp > The underlying type of an enum. Definition at line 1855 of file type_traits. Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for libstdc++ from the source code. libstdc++ Tue Jun 10 2014 std::underlying_type< _Tp >(3)

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std::iterator< _Category, _Tp, _Distance, _Pointer, _ReferencLibrary Functions std::iterator< _Category, _Tp, _Distance, _Pointer, _Reference >(3)

std::iterator< _Category, _Tp, _Distance, _Pointer, _Reference > - SYNOPSIS
Inherited by std::istreambuf_iterator< _CharT, _Traits >. Public Types typedef _Distance difference_type typedef _Category iterator_category typedef _Pointer pointer typedef _Reference reference typedef _Tp value_type Detailed Description template<typename _Category, typename _Tp, typename _Distance = ptrdiff_t, typename _Pointer = _Tp*, typename _Reference = _Tp&>struct std::iterator< _Category, _Tp, _Distance, _Pointer, _Reference > Common iterator class. This class does nothing but define nested typedefs. Iterator classes can inherit from this class to save some work. The typedefs are then used in specializations and overloading. In particular, there are no default implementations of requirements such as operator++ and the like. (How could there be?) Definition at line 118 of file stl_iterator_base_types.h. Member Typedef Documentation template<typename _Category, typename _Tp, typename _Distance = ptrdiff_t, typename _Pointer = _Tp*, typename _Reference = _Tp&> typedef _Distance std::iterator< _Category, _Tp, _Distance, _Pointer, _Reference >::difference_type Distance between iterators is represented as this type. Definition at line 125 of file stl_iterator_base_types.h. template<typename _Category, typename _Tp, typename _Distance = ptrdiff_t, typename _Pointer = _Tp*, typename _Reference = _Tp&> typedef _Category std::iterator< _Category, _Tp, _Distance, _Pointer, _Reference >::iterator_category One of the tag types. Definition at line 121 of file stl_iterator_base_types.h. template<typename _Category, typename _Tp, typename _Distance = ptrdiff_t, typename _Pointer = _Tp*, typename _Reference = _Tp&> typedef _Pointer std::iterator< _Category, _Tp, _Distance, _Pointer, _Reference >::pointer This type represents a pointer-to-value_type. Definition at line 127 of file stl_iterator_base_types.h. template<typename _Category, typename _Tp, typename _Distance = ptrdiff_t, typename _Pointer = _Tp*, typename _Reference = _Tp&> typedef _Reference std::iterator< _Category, _Tp, _Distance, _Pointer, _Reference >::reference This type represents a reference-to-value_type. Definition at line 129 of file stl_iterator_base_types.h. template<typename _Category, typename _Tp, typename _Distance = ptrdiff_t, typename _Pointer = _Tp*, typename _Reference = _Tp&> typedef _Tp std::iterator< _Category, _Tp, _Distance, _Pointer, _Reference >::value_type The type 'pointed to' by the iterator. Definition at line 123 of file stl_iterator_base_types.h. Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for libstdc++ from the source code. libstdc++ Tue Jun 10 20std::iterator< _Category, _Tp, _Distance, _Pointer, _Reference >(3)
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