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std::this_thread(3) [centos man page]

std::this_thread(3)					     Library Functions Manual					       std::this_thread(3)

std::this_thread - SYNOPSIS
Functions void __sleep_for (chrono::seconds, chrono::nanoseconds) thread::id get_id () noexcept template<typename _Rep , typename _Period > void sleep_for (const chrono::duration< _Rep, _Period > &__rtime) template<typename _Clock , typename _Duration > void sleep_until (const chrono::time_point< _Clock, _Duration > &__atime) void yield () noexcept Detailed Description ISO C++ 2011 entities sub-namespace for thread. 30.3.2 Namespace this_thread. Function Documentation thread::id std::this_thread::get_id () [inline], [noexcept] get_id Definition at line 252 of file thread. template<typename _Rep , typename _Period > void std::this_thread::sleep_for (const chrono::duration< _Rep, _Period > &__rtime) [inline] sleep_for Definition at line 269 of file thread. References std::chrono::duration_cast(). Referenced by sleep_until(). template<typename _Clock , typename _Duration > void std::this_thread::sleep_until (const chrono::time_point< _Clock, _Duration > &__atime) [inline] sleep_until Definition at line 288 of file thread. References sleep_for(). void std::this_thread::yield () [inline], [noexcept] yield Definition at line 256 of file thread. Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for libstdc++ from the source code. libstdc++ Tue Jun 10 2014 std::this_thread(3)

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std::condition_variable - SYNOPSIS
Public Types typedef __native_type * native_handle_type Public Member Functions condition_variable (const condition_variable &) native_handle_type native_handle () void notify_all () void notify_one () condition_variable & operator= (const condition_variable &) void wait (unique_lock< mutex > &__lock) template<typename _Predicate > void wait (unique_lock< mutex > &__lock, _Predicate __p) template<typename _Rep , typename _Period > cv_status wait_for (unique_lock< mutex > &__lock, const chrono::duration< _Rep, _Period > &__rtime) template<typename _Rep , typename _Period , typename _Predicate > bool wait_for (unique_lock< mutex > &__lock, const chrono::duration< _Rep, _Period > &__rtime, _Predicate __p) template<typename _Duration > cv_status wait_until (unique_lock< mutex > &__lock, const chrono::time_point< __clock_t, _Duration > &__atime) template<typename _Clock , typename _Duration > cv_status wait_until (unique_lock< mutex > &__lock, const chrono::time_point< _Clock, _Duration > &__atime) template<typename _Clock , typename _Duration , typename _Predicate > bool wait_until (unique_lock< mutex > &__lock, const chrono::time_point< _Clock, _Duration > &__atime, _Predicate __p) Detailed Description condition_variable Definition at line 59 of file condition_variable. Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for libstdc++ from the source code. libstdc++ Tue Nov 27 2012 std::condition_variable(3cxx)
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