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std::is_nothrow_default_constructible(3) [centos man page]

std::is_nothrow_default_constructible< _Tp >(3) 	     Library Functions Manual		   std::is_nothrow_default_constructible< _Tp >(3)

std::is_nothrow_default_constructible< _Tp > - SYNOPSIS
Inherits type< is_default_constructible< _Tp >, __is_nt_default_constructible_impl< _Tp > >. Inherited by std::__is_nt_constructible_impl< _Tp >. Detailed Description template<typename _Tp>struct std::is_nothrow_default_constructible< _Tp > is_nothrow_default_constructible Definition at line 1018 of file type_traits. Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for libstdc++ from the source code. libstdc++ Tue Jun 10 2014 std::is_nothrow_default_constructible< _Tp >(3)

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std::tr1::__detail::__numeric_constants< _Tp > - SYNOPSIS
Static Public Member Functions static _Tp __1_pi () throw () static _Tp __2_sqrtpi () throw () static _Tp __euler () throw () static _Tp __gamma_e () throw () static _Tp __lnpi () throw () static _Tp __pi () throw () static _Tp __pi_2 () throw () static _Tp __pi_3 () throw () static _Tp __pi_4 () throw () static _Tp __sqrt1_2 () throw () static _Tp __sqrt2 () throw () static _Tp __sqrt3 () throw () static _Tp __sqrtpio2 () throw () Detailed Description template<typename _Tp>struct std::tr1::__detail::__numeric_constants< _Tp > A structure for numeric constants. Definition at line 60 of file special_function_util.h. Member Function Documentation template<typename _Tp > static _Tp std::tr1::__detail::__numeric_constants< _Tp >::__1_pi () throw () [inline], [static] Constant $ 1 / i $. Definition at line 75 of file special_function_util.h. template<typename _Tp > static _Tp std::tr1::__detail::__numeric_constants< _Tp >::__2_sqrtpi () throw () [inline], [static] Constant $ 2 / t(i) $. Definition at line 78 of file special_function_util.h. template<typename _Tp > static _Tp std::tr1::__detail::__numeric_constants< _Tp >::__euler () throw () [inline], [static] Constant Euler-Mascheroni $ e $. Definition at line 99 of file special_function_util.h. Referenced by std::tr1::__detail::__log_gamma_lanczos(). template<typename _Tp > static _Tp std::tr1::__detail::__numeric_constants< _Tp >::__gamma_e () throw () [inline], [static] Constant Euler's constant $ mma_E $. Definition at line 96 of file special_function_util.h. Referenced by std::tr1::__detail::__expint_E1_series(), std::tr1::__detail::__expint_Ei_series(), std::tr1::__detail::__expint_En_series(), std::tr1::__detail::__hyperg_reflect(), and std::tr1::__detail::__psi_series(). template<typename _Tp > static _Tp std::tr1::__detail::__numeric_constants< _Tp >::__lnpi () throw () [inline], [static] Constant $ (i) $. Definition at line 93 of file special_function_util.h. Referenced by std::tr1::__detail::__log_gamma(), and std::tr1::__detail::__sph_legendre(). template<typename _Tp > static _Tp std::tr1::__detail::__numeric_constants< _Tp >::__pi () throw () [inline], [static] Constant $ i $. Definition at line 63 of file special_function_util.h. Referenced by std::tr1::__detail::__airy(), std::tr1::__detail::__bessel_ik(), std::tr1::__detail::__bessel_jn(), std::tr1::__detail::__ellint_1(), std::tr1::__detail::__ellint_2(), std::tr1::__detail::__ellint_3(), std::tr1::__detail::__psi(), std::tr1::__detail::__riemann_zeta(), and std::tr1::__detail::__riemann_zeta_glob(). template<typename _Tp > static _Tp std::tr1::__detail::__numeric_constants< _Tp >::__pi_2 () throw () [inline], [static] Constant $ i / 2 $. Definition at line 66 of file special_function_util.h. Referenced by std::tr1::__detail::__comp_ellint_1_series(), std::tr1::__detail::__comp_ellint_2_series(), and std::tr1::__detail::__poly_laguerre_large_n(). template<typename _Tp > static _Tp std::tr1::__detail::__numeric_constants< _Tp >::__pi_3 () throw () [inline], [static] Constant $ i / 3 $. Definition at line 69 of file special_function_util.h. template<typename _Tp > static _Tp std::tr1::__detail::__numeric_constants< _Tp >::__pi_4 () throw () [inline], [static] Constant $ i / 4 $. Definition at line 72 of file special_function_util.h. template<typename _Tp > static _Tp std::tr1::__detail::__numeric_constants< _Tp >::__sqrt1_2 () throw () [inline], [static] Constant $ 1 / sqrt(2) $. Definition at line 90 of file special_function_util.h. template<typename _Tp > static _Tp std::tr1::__detail::__numeric_constants< _Tp >::__sqrt2 () throw () [inline], [static] Constant $ t(2) $. Definition at line 81 of file special_function_util.h. template<typename _Tp > static _Tp std::tr1::__detail::__numeric_constants< _Tp >::__sqrt3 () throw () [inline], [static] Constant $ t(3) $. Definition at line 84 of file special_function_util.h. Referenced by std::tr1::__detail::__airy(). template<typename _Tp > static _Tp std::tr1::__detail::__numeric_constants< _Tp >::__sqrtpio2 () throw () [inline], [static] Constant $ t(i/2) $. Definition at line 87 of file special_function_util.h. Referenced by std::tr1::__detail::__sph_bessel_ik(), and std::tr1::__detail::__sph_bessel_jn(). Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for libstdc++ from the source code. libstdc++ Thu Aug 2 2012 std::tr1::__detail::__numeric_constants< _Tp >(3cxx)
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