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std::bernoulli_distribution_param_type(3) [centos man page]

std::bernoulli_distribution::param_type(3)		     Library Functions Manual			std::bernoulli_distribution::param_type(3)

std::bernoulli_distribution::param_type - SYNOPSIS
Public Types typedef bernoulli_distribution distribution_type Public Member Functions param_type (double __p=0.5) double p () const Friends bool operator== (const param_type &__p1, const param_type &__p2) Detailed Description Parameter type. Definition at line 3578 of file random.h. Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for libstdc++ from the source code. libstdc++ Tue Jun 10 2014 std::bernoulli_distribution::param_type(3)

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std::bernoulli_distribution - SYNOPSIS
Classes struct param_type Public Types typedef bool result_type Public Member Functions bernoulli_distribution (double __p=0.5) bernoulli_distribution (const param_type &__p) result_type max () const result_type min () const template<typename _UniformRandomNumberGenerator > result_type operator() (_UniformRandomNumberGenerator &__urng) template<typename _UniformRandomNumberGenerator > result_type operator() (_UniformRandomNumberGenerator &__urng, const param_type &__p) double p () const param_type param () const void param (const param_type &__param) void reset () Detailed Description A Bernoulli random number distribution. Generates a sequence of true and false values with likelihood $p$ that true will come up and $(1 - p)$ that false will appear. Definition at line 3222 of file random.h. Member Typedef Documentation typedef bool std::bernoulli_distribution::result_type The type of the range of the distribution. Definition at line 3226 of file random.h. Constructor &; Destructor Documentation std::bernoulli_distribution::bernoulli_distribution (double__p = 0.5) [inline], [explicit] Constructs a Bernoulli distribution with likelihood p. Parameters: __p [IN] The likelihood of a true result being returned. Must be in the interval $[0, 1]$. Definition at line 3259 of file random.h. Member Function Documentation result_type std::bernoulli_distribution::max () const [inline] Returns the least upper bound value of the distribution. Definition at line 3309 of file random.h. result_type std::bernoulli_distribution::min () const [inline] Returns the greatest lower bound value of the distribution. Definition at line 3302 of file random.h. template<typename _UniformRandomNumberGenerator > result_type std::bernoulli_distribution::operator() (_UniformRandomNumberGenerator &__urng) [inline] Generating functions. Definition at line 3317 of file random.h. References operator()(), and param(). Referenced by operator()(). double std::bernoulli_distribution::p () const [inline] Returns the p parameter of the distribution. Definition at line 3280 of file random.h. param_type std::bernoulli_distribution::param () const [inline] Returns the parameter set of the distribution. Definition at line 3287 of file random.h. Referenced by operator()(), std::operator==(), and std::operator>>(). void std::bernoulli_distribution::param (const param_type &__param) [inline] Sets the parameter set of the distribution. Parameters: __param The new parameter set of the distribution. Definition at line 3295 of file random.h. void std::bernoulli_distribution::reset () [inline] Resets the distribution state. Does nothing for a Bernoulli distribution. Definition at line 3274 of file random.h. Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for libstdc++ from the source code. libstdc++ Tue Nov 27 2012 std::bernoulli_distribution(3cxx)
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