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spi_execute_plan(3) [centos man page]

SPI_EXECUTE_PLAN(3)					  PostgreSQL 9.2.7 Documentation				       SPI_EXECUTE_PLAN(3)

SPI_execute_plan - execute a statement prepared by SPI_prepare SYNOPSIS
int SPI_execute_plan(SPIPlanPtr plan, Datum * values, const char * nulls, bool read_only, long count) DESCRIPTION
SPI_execute_plan executes a statement prepared by SPI_prepare or one of its siblings. read_only and count have the same interpretation as in SPI_execute. ARGUMENTS
SPIPlanPtr plan prepared statement (returned by SPI_prepare) Datum * values An array of actual parameter values. Must have same length as the statement's number of arguments. const char * nulls An array describing which parameters are null. Must have same length as the statement's number of arguments. n indicates a null value (entry in values will be ignored); a space indicates a nonnull value (entry in values is valid). If nulls is NULL then SPI_execute_plan assumes that no parameters are null. bool read_only true for read-only execution long count maximum number of rows to return, or 0 for no limit RETURN VALUE
The return value is the same as for SPI_execute, with the following additional possible error (negative) results: SPI_ERROR_ARGUMENT if plan is NULL or invalid, or count is less than 0 SPI_ERROR_PARAM if values is NULL and plan was prepared with some parameters SPI_processed and SPI_tuptable are set as in SPI_execute if successful. PostgreSQL 9.2.7 2014-02-17 SPI_EXECUTE_PLAN(3)

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SPI_CURSOR_OPEN(3)					  PostgreSQL 9.2.7 Documentation					SPI_CURSOR_OPEN(3)

SPI_cursor_open - set up a cursor using a statement created with SPI_prepare SYNOPSIS
Portal SPI_cursor_open(const char * name, SPIPlanPtr plan, Datum * values, const char * nulls, bool read_only) DESCRIPTION
SPI_cursor_open sets up a cursor (internally, a portal) that will execute a statement prepared by SPI_prepare. The parameters have the same meanings as the corresponding parameters to SPI_execute_plan. Using a cursor instead of executing the statement directly has two benefits. First, the result rows can be retrieved a few at a time, avoiding memory overrun for queries that return many rows. Second, a portal can outlive the current procedure (it can, in fact, live to the end of the current transaction). Returning the portal name to the procedure's caller provides a way of returning a row set as result. The passed-in parameter data will be copied into the cursor's portal, so it can be freed while the cursor still exists. ARGUMENTS
const char * name name for portal, or NULL to let the system select a name SPIPlanPtr plan prepared statement (returned by SPI_prepare) Datum * values An array of actual parameter values. Must have same length as the statement's number of arguments. const char * nulls An array describing which parameters are null. Must have same length as the statement's number of arguments. n indicates a null value (entry in values will be ignored); a space indicates a nonnull value (entry in values is valid). If nulls is NULL then SPI_cursor_open assumes that no parameters are null. bool read_only true for read-only execution RETURN VALUE
Pointer to portal containing the cursor. Note there is no error return convention; any error will be reported via elog. PostgreSQL 9.2.7 2014-02-17 SPI_CURSOR_OPEN(3)
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