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sdl_createcursor(3) [centos man page]

SDL_CreateCursor(3)						 SDL API Reference					       SDL_CreateCursor(3)

SDL_CreateCursor - Creates a new mouse cursor. SYNOPSIS
#include "SDL.h" SDL_Cursor *SDL_CreateCursor(Uint8 *data, Uint8 *mask, int w, int h, int hot_x, int hot_y); DESCRIPTION
Create a cursor using the specified data and mask (in MSB format). The cursor width must be a multiple of 8 bits. The cursor is created in black and white according to the following: Data / Mask Resulting pixel on screen 0 / 1 White 1 / 1 Black 0 / 0 Transparent 1 / 0 Inverted color if possible, black if not. Cursors created with this function must be freed with SDL_FreeCursor. EXAMPLE
/* Stolen from the mailing list */ /* Creates a new mouse cursor from an XPM */ /* XPM */ static const char *arrow[] = { /* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */ " 32 32 3 1", /* colors */ "X c #000000", ". c #ffffff", " c None", /* pixels */ "X ", "XX ", "X.X ", "X..X ", "X...X ", "X....X ", "X.....X ", "X......X ", "X.......X ", "X........X ", "X.....XXXXX ", "X..X..X ", "X.X X..X ", "XX X..X ", "X X..X ", " X..X ", " X..X ", " X..X ", " XX ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "0,0" }; static SDL_Cursor *init_system_cursor(const char *image[]) { int i, row, col; Uint8 data[4*32]; Uint8 mask[4*32]; int hot_x, hot_y; i = -1; for ( row=0; row<32; ++row ) { for ( col=0; col<32; ++col ) { if ( col % 8 ) { data[i] <<= 1; mask[i] <<= 1; } else { ++i; data[i] = mask[i] = 0; } switch (image[4+row][col]) { case 'X': data[i] |= 0x01; k[i] |= 0x01; break; case '.': mask[i] |= 0x01; break; case ' ': break; } } } sscanf(image[4+row], "%d,%d", &hot_x, &hot_y); return SDL_CreateCursor(data, mask, 32, 32, hot_x, hot_y); } SEE ALSO
SDL_FreeCursor, SDL_SetCursor, SDL_ShowCursor SDL
Tue 11 Sep 2001, 23:01 SDL_CreateCursor(3)

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SDL::Video(3)						User Contributed Perl Documentation					     SDL::Video(3)

SDL::Video - a SDL perl extension SYNOPSIS
$video = new SDL::Video ( -name => 'pr0n.mpg' ); DESCRIPTION
"SDL::Video" adds support for MPEG video to your SDL Perl application. Videos are objects bound to surfaces, whose playback is controled through the object's interface. METHODS o "SDL::Video::error()" returns any error messages associated with playback o "SDL::Video::audio(bool)" enables or disables audio playback, (on by default) o "SDL::Video::video(bool)" enables or disable video playback, (on by default) o "SDL::Video::loop(bool)" enables or disable playback looping (off by default) o "SDL::Video::volume(int)" set the volume as per the mixer volume o "SDL::Video:display(surface)" binds the clip to a display surface o "SDL::Video::scale([x,y]|[surface]|int)" scales the clip by either x,y factors, scales to the image dimensions, or a single scalar. o "SDL::Video::play()" plays the video clip, call "SDL::Video::display()" before playing o "SDL::Video::pause()" pauses video playback o "SDL::Video::stop()" stops video playback o "SDL::Video::rewind()" resets the clip to the beginning o "SDL::Video::seek(offset)" seeks to a particular byte offset o "SDL::Video::skip(time)" skips to a particular time o "SDL::Video::region(rect)" takes a SDL::Rect and defines the display area o "SDL::Video::frame(int)" renders a specific frame to the screen o "SDL::Video::info()" returns a new "SDL::MPEG" object reflecting the current status o "SDL::Video::status()" returns either SMPEG_PLAYING or SMPEG_STOPPED or SMPEG_ERROR AUTHOR
David J. Goehrig SEE ALSO
perl(1) SDL::Surface(3) SDL::MPEG(3) perl v5.12.1 2010-07-05 SDL::Video(3)
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