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sd-journal(3) [centos man page]

SD-JOURNAL(3)							    sd-journal							     SD-JOURNAL(3)

sd-journal - APIs for submitting and querying log entries to and from the journal SYNOPSIS
#include <systemd/sd-journal.h> pkg-config --cflags --libs libsystemd-journal DESCRIPTION
sd-journal.h provides APIs to submit and query log entries. The APIs exposed act both as client for the systemd-journald.service(8) journal service and as parser for the journal files on disk. See sd_journal_print(3), sd_journal_stream_fd(3), sd_journal_open(3), sd_journal_next(3), sd_journal_get_realtime_usec(3), sd_journal_add_match(3), sd_journal_seek_head(3), sd_journal_get_cursor(3), sd_journal_cutoff_realtime_usec(3), sd_journal_get_usage(3), sd_journal_get_catalog(3) and sd_journal_get_fd(3) for more information about the functions implemented. Command line access for submitting entries to the journal is available with the systemd-cat(1) tool. Command line access for querying entries from the journal is available with the journalctl(1) tool. NOTES
These APIs are implemented as a shared library, which can be compiled and linked to with the libsystemd-journal pkg-config(1) file. SEE ALSO
systemd(1), sd_journal_print(3), sd_journal_stream_fd(3), sd_journal_open(3), sd_journal_next(3), sd_journal_get_data(3), sd_journal_get_realtime_usec(3), sd_journal_add_match(3), sd_journal_seek_head(3), sd_journal_get_cursor(3), sd_journal_cutoff_realtime_usec(3), sd_journal_get_usage(3), sd_journal_get_fd(3), sd_journal_query_unique(3), sd_journal_get_catalog(3), journalctl(1), sd-id128(3), pkg-config(1) systemd 208 SD-JOURNAL(3)

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SD_JOURNAL_GET_CATALOG(3)				      sd_journal_get_catalog					 SD_JOURNAL_GET_CATALOG(3)

sd_journal_get_catalog, sd_journal_get_catalog_for_message_id - Retrieve message catalog entry SYNOPSIS
#include <systemd/sd-journal.h> int sd_journal_get_catalog(sd_journal* j, char** ret); int sd_journal_get_catalog_for_message_id(sd_id128_t id, char** ret); DESCRIPTION
sd_journal_get_catalog() retrieves a message catalog entry for the current journal entry. This will look up an entry in the message catalog by using the "MESSAGE_ID=" field of the current journal entry. Before returning the entry all journal field names in the catalog entry text enclosed in "@" will be replaced by the respective field values of the current entry. If a field name referenced in the message catalog entry does not exist, in the current journal entry, the "@" will be removed, but the field name otherwise left untouched. sd_journal_get_catalog_for_message_id() works similar to sd_journal_get_catalog() but the entry is looked up by the specified message ID (no open journal context is necessary for this), and no field substitution is performed. For more information about the journal message catalog please refer to the Journal Message Catalogs[1] documentation page. RETURN VALUE
sd_journal_get_catalog() and sd_journal_get_catalog_for_message_id() return 0 on success or a negative errno-style error code. If no matching message catalog entry is found, -ENOENT is returned. On successful return, ret points to a new string, which must be freed with free(3). NOTES
The sd_journal_get_catalog() and sd_journal_get_catalog_for_message_id() interfaces are available as a shared library, which can be compiled and linked to with the libsystemd-journal pkg-config(1) file. SEE ALSO
systemd(1), systemd.journal-fields(7), sd-journal(3), sd_journal_open(3), sd_journal_next(3), sd_journal_get_data(3)malloc(3) NOTES
1. Journal Message Catalogs systemd 208 SD_JOURNAL_GET_CATALOG(3)
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